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  • Title

    Study on intelligent mining technology of fully-mechanized heading face

  • 作者


  • Author

    Zhang Kexue

  • Organization
    Beijing Tiandi-Marco Electro-Hydraulic Control System Co., Ltd., China Coal Technology and Engineering Group
    State Key Laboratory for Geomechanics and Deep Underground Engineering, China University of Mining and
    Technology (Beijing) Intelligent Control Technology Branch, China Coal Research Institute State Key Laboratory of
    Coal Resources and Mine Safety, China University of Mining & Technology (Beiing) Key Laboratory of Safety and
    High-efficiency Coal Mining, Ministry of Education (Anhui University of Science and Technology)
  • 摘要

    基于现场调研、统计分析和数值计算相结合的方法,研究了综掘工作面智能化开采技术现状及发展趋势,确定了综掘工作面智能化无人开采技术分2个阶段,即可视远程干预型智能化无人开采和自适应型智能化无人开采;指出了综掘大断面巷道围岩变形的极值宽度为4.5 m,且综掘智能化工作面断面宽度不宜超过4.5 m;得到了综掘工作面智能化开采工序、控制系统(围岩探测系统、生产控制系统和视频监控系统)和技术路线;提出了大断面巷道变形智能控制技术、掘进机智能化技术、锚杆支护智能化技术、运输系统智能化技术和视频监控智能化技术是综掘工作面智能化开采的关键技术。研究成果可为综掘工作面智能化开采技术的后续长足发展提供借鉴和参考。

  • Abstract
    Based on a method combined with the site investigation, statistic analysis and numerical calculation, the paper had a study on the present status and de velopment tendency of the intelligent mining technology for the fully-mechanized heading face, and a determination on the two stages divided from the intelligent mining technology of the fully-mechanized heading face. Thus the two stages would be a visible remote intervention mode intelligent and unmanned mining and a self-adaptive mode intelligent and unmanned mining. The paper pointed out that a limit width of the surrounding rock deformation in the fully-mechanized large cross section heading roadway was 4.5 m and the cross section width of the fully mechanized intelligent heading face should not be over 4.5 m. The paper had an intelligent mining procedure of the fully mechanized heading face, a control system ( surrounding rock detection system, production control system and video monitoring system) and the technical r oute. The paper provided that the deformation intelligent control technology of the mine large cross section roadway, the intelligent technology of the mine roadheader, t he bolt support intelligent technology, the intelligent technology of the transportation system and the video monitoring intelligent technology would be the key technologi es of the intelligent mining for the fullymechanized heading face. The study results could provide the references to the late development of the intelligent mining technol ogy for the fully-mechanized heading face.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    flly-mechanized heading face; itelligent mining; unmanned; mining procedure;

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