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  • Title

    Analysis on top coal breaking mechanism of fully- mechanized caving mining face in ultra thick seam with parting

  • 作者


  • Author

    Feng Yufeng Ouyang Zhenhua Deng Zhigang Zhao Shankun Bai Qingsheng

  • 单位


  • Organization
    Mine Safety Technology Branch,China Coal Research Institute National Key Lab of Coal Resources High EfficientMining and Clean Uilization,China Coal Research Institute School of Mining Engineering,China University of Mining and Technology
  • 摘要
    为了解决含夹矸特厚煤层综放开采当中顶煤冒放性差、采出率低的问题,运用理论分析、数值模拟、现场实测等研究方法,建立了夹矸破断的非均布载荷悬臂梁力学模型,分析了夹矸层位、夹矸厚度对悬臂梁破断的力学作用机理,数值模拟比较分析了不同夹矸层位、不同夹矸厚度对顶煤及夹矸自身破碎机理及冒放性的影响规律,在此基础上提出相应的技术解决措施。现场应用结果表明:同煤集团金庄矿8203工作面夹矸最大破断距可达6.5 m,中位夹矸、厚层夹矸对顶煤冒放性影响最大,深孔预裂爆破、双轮间隔放煤等措施可有效提高顶煤冒放性,提高顶煤采出率。
  • Abstract
    in order to solve a poortop cal caving and low coalrecovery problems in the ful mechanized top coal caving mining in the utra thck sean with partngs.a theoretical analys s,nunerical sinulation.sie measurement and oter study method were appied to estabish a boom beam model wth partings and broken nonunfom distrbuted oadings.The paper analyzed the paringlcation and paring thickness to the mechanics role mechanismo of the boom beam broken.The numericalsimulation was applied to compare and analze th different parting location and different parting thickness affected to the breaking mechanism and caving of the top coaand the partings.Based on the circunstances.the relevant tachnical soluton measures were provided and apalild to the mine site . The results showed that the max broken distance of the parting in No.8203 coal mining face of Jinzhuang Mine Datong Coal Mine Group wasup 6. 5 m an the midleparing and tick seam paring woubbe ighly affected to the top coal caving. The deep borehole pre-frcturing blasting and tvo interval cal blasting and other measures could be efectively improve the op coal caving and the top coal mining recovery rate.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    boom beam model; parting; ultra thick seam; breaking mechanism;

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
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