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  • Title

    Experiment study on water resistance and isolation features of base rock weathering zone in Zhaogu No.1 Mine

  • 作者


  • Author

    Xu Yanchun Cao Xuchu Li Jianghua Li Kunqi Liu Zhonghua

  • 单位


  • Organization
    School of Resources and Safety Engineering,China University of Mining and Technology (Beijing)
  • 摘要
    基于赵固一矿所采二1煤层上覆松散含水层富水性强的特点,为确定基岩风化带范围及其阻隔水性能,实现水体下安全采煤,进行了岩石试样的点荷载强度、干燥饱和吸水率和崩解试验,通过研究各试验指标随深度的变化规律,确定基岩风化带界限及风化作用后的阻隔水特征。试验结果表明:距离松散层底界面21.5 m为基岩风化带界限;0~10 m垂深范围内基岩风化带以泥类岩为主,干燥饱和吸水率在15%以上,且崩解迅速,具有良好的阻隔水性能,有利于裂隙弥合,抑制导水断裂带的发育;砂岩的干燥饱和吸水率较小,阻隔水性较差,且具有较强的耐崩解性,不利于导水裂缝的弥合。
  • Abstract
    Based on a high watery of the loose apuifer in the overburden stata above the mining seam of No.21 seam in Zhacgu No.1Mine in orderto define theweathering zone scope and the water res stance and isolation features of the base rock and to reaize a saety coal mining under the water bodyapoint oading strength test.dry saturated water absorption rate test and disintegration test of the ock samples wereconducted.The study on the variation law of each tet idex with the depth varied was appied to defie the limio f the baserock veathering zone and the wateresistance and iso ation featues afer the weathering role conducted. The testresults showed that a distance of 21.5 m to the bottom linit of the loose stratum was te limit of the base rock weatheing zone. wihin the ~ 10 m scape,the weatherng zone of the base rock was the mud type rock nainlythe dry saurated water absoption rate was over15% and the disintegration was rapid.The weatering zone with excellent water res istance and isolation features could be favorable to the crack closed and to restrain the development of the waer fov crack zone. The dry saurated water absorption rate of the sandstone was ov and the water resistance and isolation waspoor.With a igh endurin disintegratonthe sandestone would not be favorable to the water flow crack closed.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    point loading strength: dry saturated water absorption rate;disintegration test,water resistance and isolation features:

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
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