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  • Title

    Pore features of coal reservoir in Songhe Mine Field of West Guizhou and its impact to permeability

  • 作者


  • Author

    Gao Wei Yi Tongsheng

  • 单位


  • Organization
    Guizhou Provincial Engineering and Technology Research Center of Coalbed Methane and Shale Gas
  • 摘要
    通过采集黔西松河井田1口典型钻孔的8件煤样,借助压汞试验和试井渗透率数据,研究了多煤层发育条件下的煤储层孔隙结构特征及孔隙体积分形特征,探索了孔隙结构参数与渗透性的关系。结果表明:研究区煤储层微孔、小孔、中孔和大孔占总孔容的平均比例分别为30%、36%、17%和17%,孔径配置合理,各孔径段孔隙连通性较好,孔容在0.020 8~0.037 2 cm3/g,孔隙度在3.35%~5.16%;孔隙参数垂向发育差异大,1号煤和24号煤具备单层独立开发的孔隙条件;各煤层孔隙体积分形下限存在差异,分形下限与试井渗透率呈很好的负相关性,孔容和孔隙度与试井渗透率有一定的正相关性。
  • Abstract
    with the systematc lection on ight cal samples from a ypical borehole in Songhe Mline Field of West Guizhou with the mercury njection test and the permeabilit ratio data.the pore structure features and the pore volume fraction features of th coalresevoir under the development condiin of the mui seams were studied and the relationship between the pore structure paramneters and permeability was discovered The resuts showed that the average pecentage of the total pore volume with the micro pore,small pore,medum pore and large pore in the coalresevoir of the study zone were 30N%,36%,17%and 17% indidually the poreconfiguration was rational ,the pore connectvity of each pore d ameter section was good.thepore volume was 0.020 8 ~ 0.037 2 cmi3 g and the porosty was 3.35% ~5.16%.The verical developmert difrential of the pore parameters was high.No.1 seam and No.24 seam ad the pore condition for a single seam develogment There was d iference existed in the lowerlinit of the pore volume faction in ach seam and the fraction lower linit and test ell ermeatility ould be in utra ood negative crelation.The pore volume and the porosity had a certain positive correlation to the test well permeability.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    songhe Mine Field; coal reservoir; pore structure; permeability; fractal features; coalbed methane:

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