• 全部
  • Title

    Study on adaptive cutting control system of boom-type roadheader

  • 作者


  • Author

    Zhang Jianguang

  • 单位


  • Organization
    Taiyuan Research Institute,China Coal Technology and Engineering Group Co.Ltd. National Engineering Laboratory for Coal Mining Machinery
  • 摘要
    为了降低恶劣工况下工作载荷的突变对悬臂式掘进机截割性能和效率的影响,在分析影响掘进机工作载荷因素的基础上,指出截割控制的主要目的是要使掘进机截割头转速、截割臂摆动速度自动与工作载荷相适应,且二者之间相互匹配,从而实现高效、平稳截割。构建了基于PID神经元网络的自适应控制策略和硬件系统结构,并在此基础上建立了掘进机截割的近似数学模型。通过仿真分析证明,基于PID神经元网络的自适应截割控制方法,在0.1 s之内就可以达到设定目标值且稳态误差接近于0,满足悬臂式掘进机自适应截割的需求。
  • Abstract
    in order to reduce he influence of oom-ype roadheadercuting perormance and ficiency on the sudden change of working load in difficult conditions.and based on the analysis of th effects factor of oadheader working load.the paper stated primary purpose of the cutting control s ystem was to make roadheder cutng head spedctting arm swing sped could automatically adapt the working load and also betwveen the twvo could match each other achieving eficint smooth utingConceving the dapivecortrol stategy and hariwaresystem stouctre which based on PlD neural network and a mathematical model to approximate roadheader actually working by ths me an.The sinulation analysis shoved that the adaptivecuting control method based on PlID neural network could achieve the set target value withn cutting 0.1 s which closed to zero steady-state error and met boom-type roadheader adaptive cutting needs.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    boom-type roadheader: intelliaent control: adaptive cutting;PID neural network;

  • 基金项目(Foundation)

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