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  • Title

    Study on mercury adsorption features and enrichment law of fly ash with different electric fields

  • 作者


  • Author

    Gu Yongzheng Zhang Yongsheng Zhang Zhensen Xu Hong Pan Weiping

  • 单位


  • Organization
    Research Institute of Energy Environment Science and Engineering.North China Electric Power University Institute of Combustion Science and Environmental Technology,Western Kentucky University
  • 摘要
  • Abstract
    in order to realize the development of a low cost fiy ash based mecury adsorbent.the paper analyzed the mercury conients of the fy ash with aifferent eectric fields in an electrostatic precipitator of a coa-fred power plant and an evaluation experiment ofthe mercury adsorptio peromances was conducted on the ficedbed. The results showed that the mercury enichment capacity of the fiy ash with oifferent lectricfeds would be frit y increased and then reduced and during the enichment pocess.,the mercury woauldpossibly be enriched on the surtace ofthe fy ash with an oxidation state mercury mode.The conten of the not combusted caon inthefly ash of No.1 electric field was high and the fy ash would have many contact chanceswith mercury and would show a igh adsoption capactyof mercur y.The mercury adsorption performances and physichenical features of the fy ash in other elecric fiels wouid not be in a liear relationship and the adsoption po.s oud be affcted by several factors.Lagergren pseudofrt orderdynamics model would be more suitable to predicthe mecury adsorption prcess of the fy ash in the electric feld and the extem al gas fi o fise infuence of the fiy ash paric es were igh. /n a tion.an occupied rate of the balanced adsorption volume was applild to investigate the mercury enrichment and the further mercury removal potential of the fly ash in the flue.And the fy ash obtained in No.1elcric field would be the most sutable to be adsorbent to remove mercury from flue gas.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    coal-fired fly ash; electric field; mercury enrichment; adsorption capacity;

  • 基金项目(Foundation)

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