• 全部
  • Title

    Advanced control method and theoretical analysis on reversed airflow of mine main shaft in winter

  • 作者


  • Author

    Nie Baisheng Guo Jianhua Zhao Bi Wang Chunliang Li Mogeng

  • 单位


  • Organization
    School of Resources and Safety Engineering,China University of Mining and Technology ( Beijing)State Key Lab of Coal Resources and Safety Mining,China University of Mining and Technology ( Beijing)
  • 摘要
    针对我国煤矿冬季进风主井容易出现风流反向且难于及时预防、控制的问题,从理论上分析了自然风压对主井风流状态的影响,并结合矿井实例,通过对进风井之间自然风压的测定分析,探讨了冬季主井风流反向的原因,同时研究了解决该问题的防控方法。研究结果表明:冬季进风主井出现风流反向现象,主要是由于在矿区气温降低条件下,热源分布不均衡的进风井之间可形成逐渐增加的平均风流温度差,进而产生了阻碍主井进风且不断积累的自然风压。提出了实时监测进风井的风流温度、风速,并及时调节其供暖热风量的方法。该方法能够迅速减小进风回路中的风流温差,并可在1 h内使主井风流状态恢复正常,从而实现了对主井风流反向现象的快捷、有效防控。
  • Abstract
    According to the readily occurence of airfiow reversal in winter which wa difcuto prevent and control in main itake sharto coal mines in China. theeff c of atural wind pressure on arfovw staus in main shaft as analzed theoretcally n combination with the mine case,the causes of airiow reversal occurred in main shat in winer were discused by measuring and analzng the change of natural wind pressure betwee intake shafs,and the advance control method of this phenomenon was aso reseached. The results howed that with the decreasing of atnospheric environment temperature,the average temperatur diference between intakeshats with diferent heatsource distributon was increased gradual y.which resulted in the accumulation of natural wind pressure and further caused the airfiow reversain main shat in winter. The method of monitoring intake shafis'air temperature and wind speed in real time and regulating the volume of hot air for heating intake shafswas put forward. This metnod was easy and feasible and could decrease thearfovw temcerature diference between intake shafis and make the main sharis airiv stae changed in one hour. Using this method,the main shaft's airflow reversal could be prevented and controlled conveniently and effectively.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    airflow reversal; natural wind pressure; intake main shaft; mine ventilation;


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