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  • Title

    New type hoisting system of mine shaft sinking applied to shaft construction in coal mine

  • 作者


  • Author

    Yang Liyun Xu Huidong Zhang Lulu Wang Zhinan Liu Ning Zhang Yufei

  • 单位


  • Organization
    School of Mechanics and Civil Engineering,China University of Mining and Technology ( Beijing) China Coal Mine Construction Group Corporation Limited
  • 摘要
    为克服大直径深立井井筒施工中已定型的凿井提升设备存在生产能力不足、排矸时间长、制约矿井安全高效施工等缺点,亟需开发新型凿井设备,提高建井速度。基于此,研制出一套新型凿井提升系统,包括:容积为6、7、8 m~3座钩式吊桶;G13、G15、G18、G21、G25型钩头装置;JKZ-5×3.1和2JKZ-5×2.65凿井提升机和直径为3.5、4.0 m提升天轮。新型凿井提升系统在营盘壕煤矿主井井筒施工中得到了成功应用,结果表明:该新型凿井提升系统大幅加快了排矸速度,实现了综合掘进月进尺110 m,加快了矿井建设速度,比计划工期提前了32 d,经济效益明显。
  • Abstract
    in order to overcome the insuificient production capacity of the available hoistng equipment fr the mine shaft sinking in a large dianeter deep mine shaft constucion an a long ock waste remov al time shorage restriced the safety an high etficient constuction in the mine , new mine shaft sinking equipment shouldbe developed as required to improve the construction speed ofthe mine saft. A new set of the mine hoisting system fo mine shar s inking was reearched and developed.incucing 6 m3.7 m3 and & m 3 bucket,G13,G15,G18,G21 and G25 hook.JKZ-5×3 .1 and 2JZ-5× 2.65 hister and 3.5 m and 4.0 m head sheave. The new hoistingsystem was successiul appied to the construcion ste ofthe main shaft in Yingoanhao Mine. The resulis showed ht the new hoistng system could highly speed up the waste rock removal and a comprehensive month heading rate of10 m was realzed.The mine construction speed was increased and the mineconstoution was completed 32 days earlier than the scheduled period with an obvious economic benefit.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    hoisting system; bucket; hook; hoister; head sheave;

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
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