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  • Title

    Drilling and completion technology of coalbed methane cluster wells in Yanchuannan Block

  • 作者


  • Author

    Wang Yunhai

  • 单位


  • Organization
    Research Institute of Exploration and Development,East China Petroleum Company,SINOPEC
  • 摘要
    为了实现延川南区块煤层气的经济高效开发,根据工区储层物性和地貌特征,选择较平坦的地区布置井场,采用丛式井组进行煤层气开采。基于延川南区块的丛式井开发特点,详细分析了"井工厂"钻完井工艺技术在丛式井开发中的应用,重点从平台井数优化,钻井顺序优化,井间防碰处理,钻机移动装备,钻井液重复利用及离线测固井几方面对"井工厂"作业模式进行深入剖析。现场统计结果表明,采用"井工厂"资源共享模式实施丛式井组钻完井作业可整体提升煤层气井的钻井速度和质量,单井钻完井周期平均9.25 d,单井钻井周期平均7.64 d,机械钻速平均17.16 m/h,实现了煤层气的低成本、高效、规模开发。
  • Abstract
    in order to realize an econmic and high eficient development of the coabe methane in Yanchuannan Bock.according to thereservoir physical propertes and geomorphic features of the block fat area should be selected forthe layout of the wellsite and the custer well roup would be aplied to the coabed methanedevelopmernt.Based on the develogmert features of the custer wells in Yanchuannan Block.the paper in deal analyzed th " well actor " driling and completion tetcmology appild to the custer well developmen.Einphasized on the well number optinization of the platform.optimization of rllig sequence coision prolection reatment between the wells equipoment ofthea iling rig.repeated utiiation of the driling liquid and oflielogging and cementing aspects a deep analysis was conductedon the "wvel factory"cperation mode.The site stetisic resuts showed tat the appication of"well actory"'resouces joit shaing mode to implement the rling and completion operation of the custer wels could whally improve the drling speed and qualt of the coalbed methane wel s The dillig and completion period of a single wel was9.25 days in average a criling perod of a single well wa 7.54 days in average and the mechanical driling speed was 17.16 mh in averag.A low cost igh eficencyand large scale development of the coalbed methane was realized.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    Yanchuannan Block; coalbed methane; cluster wells; well factory; drilling and completion technology;

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
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