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  • Title

    Mechanism and application of excavation,support and bolting continuous parallel operation in

  • 作者


  • Author

    wu Yongzheng Wu Jianxing Wang Feng

  • 单位


  • Organization
    Department of Mining and Design,Tiandi Science and Technology Company Limited Mining and Design Branch,China Coal Research Institute Zhangcun Mine,Shanxi Lu'an Environmental Energy Development Company Limited
  • 摘要

    为解决基于悬臂式掘进机与单体钻机配合的巷道快速掘进问题,介绍了基于悬臂式掘进机的掘支锚连续平行作业工艺,形成了掘进、支护、锚固连续平行作业的施工技术体系。采用现场试验的方法,对巷道掘进与锚固分离时,顶板离层和围岩锚固性能进行了测试研究。结果表明:在顶板预先施工4根锚杆,然后在临时支架后方补打其余锚杆锚索,不会出现明显离层;不同空顶距下锚杆锚索锚固性能可以满足掘进与锚固分离要求;确定采用临时支架可以满足掘支分离生产需求。开发了连续自移式快速掘进支护装置和掘支锚连续平行作业工艺,主要包括钻探、掘进割煤、临时支护、掘进工作面锚杆打设、后方锚杆锚索打设、转载运煤、除尘等工序。在潞安漳村煤矿西下山回风巷进行了现场试验,采用新型掘支锚连续平行作业后,月进尺达到745 m,支护效果良好,掘进效率提高65%以上。

  • Abstract
    in order to solve the rapid heading problems based on a boom type roadheader with individual rock aills.based on the boom type roadheader,the pape introduced excavation.support and boling continuous parallel operation techniqu to form a constouction fechrical s ystem with a excavation support and boling continuous parallel operaton. Theste est method was appied to measuring and teststudy on roof bed separation and surrounding rock anchoring performances when heading and anchoring of mine roacway were separated. The resuts showed that when a pre-construction of four bolis made in roofthen additionalboits and anchors were pt beyond temporary supporis and there was no obvicus o bed separation occured. Under the difrentfreroof distane,the anchoring peromances of bot and anchor could met separation requirements of excavation and anchoring. The temporary supporis determined could meet requirements of excavation and suppor separation operation. A continuous sef moving type raid heading and support device and a excavation.support and boling coninuous parallel cperation technicue were developed and were mainl ineuding drlling exploration.excavation and cal cuttng temporary supor.boting operation of the heading face.the boft and anchor seting beyond heading face.cal stage loading dust control and othe procedures. A ite est was conducted in dipar returning gateway ofunderground mine at Lu an Zhangcun Mine.After the new excavation.support and oting continuous paralle operaion applied, a month rate was 745 m,the suppor efiect was excellent and heading efic ency was improved over 65%.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    excavation,support and bolting; heading of mine roadway; parallel operation;, support of mine roadway:

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
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