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  • Title

    Technology and application of overlong high cutting fully-mechanized coal mining face passed through overlarge drop fault

  • 作者


  • Author

    Yang Ke Wang Zhigen Hua Xinzhu Zhu Ruojun Li Zhihua

  • 单位


  • Organization
    Research Institute of Special Mining.Anhui University of Science and Technology Province and MOEJoint Key Lab of Mine Safety and High Efficient Mining SDIC Xinji Energy Company Limited
  • 摘要
  • Abstract
    in order to ensure overong high cutig full - mechanized coal mining face suc.essilly pass through the high drop nornal fault.the paper analyzed the surrounding rock mechanics features of thefally mechanized coal mining face under the high drop nomal fut ifrent mining height an dfferent coal mining face length.The est analysis showed that the high drop faut exsted was the majorfactors infuenced to the discontinuous sutsidence of the roof above the coal mining face and the inhonogeneous evltion of the support pressure,but the mining height and face lengh increased of the coal mining face would have a lss ifuence to the support pressure distribution than the roof subsidence,the max subsidence value of the roof above the cal mining face woul be an exponential rlationship o the mining height and woud be alogarihm relationship to the length of the cal mining fac .A method and technical pan was provided that the coal mining face at the to wall wculd keep the roof and break the foor.would be pushe forward with the nclination adjustment and wauld pass through F18 fault lncally ith an auillay basting of the roof.with an applcation of ZZ1300-27/60 hyarauic powered support with good oo control and sidewall protection funtions ,the technical meaures ofthe advance roof control of the mine ultra high secion roaiwaythe grouting reinforcemen of the broken secion of the mine roadway and others were conducted,the overiong high cutting rul echanized coal mining face was realzed to sately and raidly pass through the high drop faut and excellent engineering applcation result were obtained.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    high drop fault;oblique fuly -mechanized mining; high cutting; overlong coal mining face;mine strata pressure control;

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
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