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  • Title

    Study on pore structure and loaded meso deformation feature law of gassy coal mass

  • 作者


  • Author

    Nie BaishengYang Longlong Li Mogeng Liu Shuai Zhang Jiabin

  • 单位


  • Organization
    State Key Lab of Coal Resources and Safety Mining,China University of Mining and Technology (Beijing)school of Resources and Safety Engineering,China University of Mining and Technology (Beijing)
  • 摘要
  • Abstract
    in order to study the micro pore structure features of the coal mass and the meso deformation law of the adsored gas loaded coa a low pressure lieuidnitrogen adsorption and SEM were appied to study the pore type and pore sze distribution of thecoal mass Aloaded CT scaning device of the adsopion gas coal mas was researched and developed.The industrial CT scanning was appied to obsere the meso deformation processigof the adsopion gascoal mass n the loadingprocess.The resuis showed that the pore on the coalsurae would be a cyidica ,narrow gap wedge, inkotletype pore and others. According to the conection types of the inemal pore the pares could be dided ino a aol w- through hole intenal comected hole,one end closed hole and closed hole. Under the different stress conodiion.the CT images showed tht the coal intemnal vas in inhomogeneitythe pore representation was in heterogeneous distrbution features and the loaded falure porein the adsorbed gas coal mas also would be in heterogeneous features. Under the loaded condtion,th adsoption gas coal mass would have a sweig ffect and a shrinking effectlncally enerly the presenation would be the swelling effct and was caused due to the mutipore and inhongeneity.The studyresuts revealed themicro structure and deformation features of the coal mass .hich could provide the meso means and study base to stuty the fallre nechanism of the gassycal and outburst disaster dynamic process.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    coal mass; pore structure; low pressure nitrogen adsorption; deformation features;

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
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