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  • Title

    Study on accurate positioning technology in underground mine based on non line of sight distinguishment

  • 作者


  • Author

    wen Liang

  • 单位


  • Organization
    China Coal Research Institute Company Limited State Key Laboratory of Coal Mining and Clean Utilization Beijing Research Center of Mine Safety Engineering and Technology
  • 摘要

    针对煤矿井下动目标精确定位系统定位精度低且受非视距条件限制严重的问题,研究信号飞行时间TOF和信号接收强度指示RSSI定位算法的特点及其技术局限性,提出利用已知的锚节点之间的距离,通过TOF和RSSI方法分别得到2组盲节点到2个锚节点的距离比公式的方法,并根据时间差和接收信号强度差分别进行测距运算,以提高定位精度;研究TOF算法和RSSI算法对非视距条件的敏感性,发现RSSI算法对非视距条件的敏感性明显高于TOF方法,并以此作为鉴别非视距条件的依据,通过仿真和试验方法表明,该方法可以得到小于5 m的精确定位误差。

  • Abstract
    Acording to thelow postining acuracy of the moving objects n the underground mine and serious lintied problem by the non line of sight con.ition,the paper had a study on the features and technical limtations of the TOF and RSSl postioning ag orthms.The paper provided that tuo group ofomula of ratio of distance between the blid node and two anchor nodes could be obtained by using TOF and RSsl methods with the appication ofthe certai distance between the bolting nodes.According to the paramerers of the time difference and received signal strength ifference,the calcu ation ofthedistance measurement culd beindidualls condu.ted in order to improve the positioning accuracy The paper had study on the sestiyof the TOF and RSSl agrithms to the condtion ofthe non line of sight and obtaned tht the sensitity of SSl agorihm to non line ofsght condton was cbviously higher than that of TOF method,which coud be the basis for distinguishing the nonline of s ght condtion.Sinulaton and experiment have been conducted and results indicated tat the accurate positioning error could be less than five meters.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    accurate positioning; underground mine; TOF location algorithm;RSSl algorithm;non line of sight distinguishment;

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
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