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  • Title

    Study on support countermeasures of mine roadway with weak binding roof in shallow coal seam

  • 作者


  • Author

    Lyu Kun Li Hongbin Guo Shuying Li Chen Ding Shucong

  • 单位


  • Organization
    school of Resources and Safety Engineering,China University of Mining and Technology ( Bijing)Talahao Mine,Inner Mongolia Yitai Coal Company Limited
  • 摘要
    针对塔拉壕煤矿2102辅运输巷掘进期间曾发生冒顶事故,为了保证弱黏结顶板巷道支护安全可靠,通过计算机数值模拟研究了主应力偏转方向为0°、15°、30°、45°、60°、75°及90°时,弱黏结顶板巷道围岩塑性区的分布特征,揭示了巷道围岩的破坏规律,当主应力偏转方向为30°和45°时,顶板围岩塑性区尺寸最大,破坏深度达3.9 m,帮部围岩塑性破坏程度较小,塑性区尺寸为0.5 m。重点对顶板进行支护,根据悬吊理论计算,提出了防冒顶的锚杆索支护参数。结果表明,顶板位移量很小,为5~12 mm,离层主要发生在0~2 m层位,占65%以上,巷道几乎不发生变形,没出现冒顶事故,基本能够保持稳定。
  • Abstract
    according to the roof alling accident occurred in the heading period of No.2102 a uililry ransportation roatway in Talahao Mine.in order to ensure thesuppor safety and reliability of the mine roadway with the weak inding oofthecomputer numercal simulaton was appied to study the distrbution features of the plastic zone in the mine roadway with the weak binding rof when the main stress drection was at 0 ,15∶,30"45 "60 ,75' and g . The paper revea ed the surounding ockfailure law of the mine roadway. WNhen the main stess defecting direction was & and 45.the plasticzone in the surounding rock f the of would be max in sze.the falure depth would be 3.9 m,the plasticfilure of the surounding rock in the sidewall ould be small and the size of the pastic zone was 0.5 m.The key support was the roo support.According to the suspension theorythe bolt and anchor support parameters to prevent the roo falling were provided. The resuls showed that the roof displacement was small nd was 5~ 12 mm. The bed separation was mainly occured in ~ 2 m stratalevel and woud be taken over 65%.There was no deformation ocurred in the mine roadway and no roof falling accident occurred.The stability of the mine roadway was basically kept.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    weak binding roof: main stress direction; failure law of surrounding rock; support countermeasures:

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
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