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  • Title

    Experiment study on desorption law of gassy coal mass under different loading status

  • 作者


  • Author

    Wang Ke Li Bo Wen Zhihui Sun Donghui

  • 单位


  • Organization
    Henan Provincial Key Lab of Gas Geology and Gas Control,Henan Polytechnic University Henan Provincial Key Lab of Biologic Traces and Mineralization Process,Henan Polytechnic University
  • 摘要
    为了研究回采煤层瓦斯解吸规律,准确预测回采煤层瓦斯涌出量,以赵固二矿煤样为研究对象,进行不同孔隙压力条件下从解吸开始前60 min颗粒煤、非受载原煤和受载原煤瓦斯解吸试验,系统分析煤样瓦斯解吸速率和解吸量。试验结果表明:随着回采工作面向前推进,前方煤体一定范围内煤体原生孔隙裂隙遭受破坏,增大了瓦斯放散速率。在前3 min快速解吸阶段,颗粒煤瓦斯解吸量为相同试验条件下非受载原煤的6.02~7.23倍,是受载原煤的8.69~20.86倍,即散落煤瓦斯解吸量是工作面推进过程中瓦斯涌出量的主要组成部分。随着煤层瓦斯压力的增大,对煤层瓦斯解吸规律影响在增大,3种煤体瓦斯解吸速率及解吸量差别在减小。研究结果在准确预测回采煤层瓦斯涌出量方面可提供借鉴。
  • Abstract
    in order to study the gas desorption law of the mining sean and accurately predict the gas emission volunme of the nining sean taking the coal sampes from Zhagu No 2 Mine as the stuty obijects under aifferent pore prssure condtons thegas desorption experiment were conducted on the partcle coal.no load raw coal and loaded raw cal of 60 min before the desorption stared .and the gas desorption rate and desorption volume of the coal samples were systematcaly analyzed. The experiment results showed that with the coal mining face pushed forward,the insitapore and crack of the coal mass wihn certain scope of the front cal mass were destroyed and the gas emission ate was increased. n the front three minutes of the raid desopton stage.thegas desoption volume of the particle coal was56.02~7.23 tines igher than no loaded raw cal under the same experiment co dton and was 8.69~ 20.86 times higher tan the loaded a cal.Thti to say that the gas desorption volume of the falling coal would be the main composition par of the gas emission volune in the pocess of the coal mining fae pushing fowar .t"ih the seamgas pressure increased,the infuences to the seam gas desorption law were increased and the diference betwee the gas desorption rate and the desorpion volume ofthe three coal were decreased.The study results could provide references to accurately predict the gas emission volume of the mining seam
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    gas emission volume;desorption volume; desorption rate; particle coal; raw coal;

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
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