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  • Title

    Study on 3D stability of slope in surface mine with subhorizontal seams

  • 作者


  • Author

    Wang Dong Wang Zhen Cao Lanzhu Song Ziling

  • 单位


  • Organization
    School of Mining,Liaoning Technical University
  • 摘要
    为最大限度回采胜利煤田西二露天矿西端帮边坡下压煤,应用数值模拟与极限平衡法相结合的方法,分析了不同采场工作帮、内排土场追踪距离条件下端帮边坡的三维破坏模式及稳定性变化规律。结果表明:西端帮边坡受到工作帮与内排土场的双重支挡作用,其变形与稳定性具有显著的尺寸效应,减小追踪距离是控制该类边坡变形、提高边坡稳定性的有效途径;边坡滑裂面近似一椭球面,其水平方向的长轴与短轴均随着追踪距离的增大近线性增大;边坡稳定系数随着追踪距离的增大呈负指数规律下降,当追踪距离不超过100 m时,其稳定性可满足安全要求;当追踪距离达到200 m时,边坡稳定性的尺寸效应基本消失。
  • Abstract
    in order to utmost mine the seam under the slope at the west terminal of XierSurace Mine in Shenli ceafiel, a method combined with the nunerical smulation and limit equilibriun method was aplid to analyze the 3D failre mode and stablity variation aw of the end slope under th diferent mining working slope,i ner dumping tracing distance. Theresuts showed that the slope at the west high all .as affected by the doublesupport role ofthe working igh wall and imner dumping site . The deformation and stability would have obvious size eff ct. The reducion of the tracing distance would be an efcive access to conrol the slope deformationand improve the stability of the slope. Th slip surace of the slope would approximate an ll soid surace,the long axis and short aisin the horzonaldre cion wouldbe increased in linear with the racing distance increased. The stability coecient of the sope would be reduced in a negative index law with the tracing distance increased and when the tracing distance was not over 100 m,the stability could meet the safety requirement Nhan the racing ditancereached 20 m.the size efiect ofth sope stability would disappear basically.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    subhorizontal surface mine;3D stability of slope; failure mode; size effect;tracing distance;

  • 基金项目(Foundation)

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