• 全部
  • Title

    Sectional support technology of weathered bedrock in inclined shaft of Piliqing Mine

  • 作者


  • Author

    Li Jiaquan LiJi Yu MingjiangSun Jianhui

  • 单位


  • Organization
    School of Resources and Safety Engineering,China University of Mining and Technology ( Beijing)
  • 摘要
    为解决皮里青煤矿斜井风化基岩段两帮移近量大、顶板冒落、支护成本高等问题,基于岩层段划分、现场锚固力试验,提出了利用工字钢支架和锚网索喷2种支护方式对风化基岩段进行分段支护的优化方案,并进行了FLAC3D模拟分析和现场工业性试验。结果表明:弱风化基岩段锚网索喷支护能够满足98、196 k N的锚固力设计要求,且围岩控制效果优于工字钢支架,围岩塑性区范围和变形量分别减少了25%和40%,因而风化基岩段进行分段支护能够达到更优的支护效果。
  • Abstract
    in order to sove the large convergence of the two sidewals roo fallng,high support cost and other problems occurred in the sectional support section ofthe weathered bedrock in the inclined shaft of ilicing Mine.based on the division ofthe bedrock section and thesite anchoring forcetest.the optimized plan of the sectonal support was conducted on the weathered bedrock wth the H type support and the bot !/ mesh l anchor cable i shotcreting support methods An analysis with the FlAC-D sinmulaton and the sie industrial trial were conducted.The resuts showed that the bot /steel mesh / anchor / shotcreting support at the weak weathered bedrocksection could meet the anchoring forcedesign requirements of 98 k N and 196 k N.the control effctof the surounding ock was beter than thef type steel support and the plasicity zone with and deformation value of the surounding rock was reduced by 25% and 40% individually.Therefore the sectional suppor conducted at the weathered bedrock section could reach a better support effect.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    mine inclined shaf construction; weathered bedrock; sectional support,H type steel suport bolt l steel mesh / anchor cable l shotcreting suppor;

  • 基金项目(Foundation)

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