• 全部
  • Title

    Study on gas emission calculation method of coal wall in fully-mechanized coal mining face in outburst seam group

  • 作者


  • Author

    Sang Cong Li Wei Zhang Lang Wang En

  • 单位


  • Organization
    Mine Safety Branch,China Coal Research Institute Company Limited State Key Laboratory of Coal Mining and Clean Utilization Beijing Research Center of Coal Mine Safety Engineering and Technology
  • 摘要
  • Abstract
    in order to studly the gas emiss ion lavw of coal al nfruly-mechanized coal mining face in the ouburst sean grouptaking the coal wal in No. 24207calminin face of Shaqu Nine as the studly object.the paper analyzed the gas emission featuresof the coal wall n the coal minin face. cifferential method of the coal wall rended length in the coal mining face was applied to the stuty on gas emission.A gas emission calculaton model of the coal al in th fill ,mechanized coal miningface in outburst sean group was established for the production shift and the maitenance shift and the calcuation methocd of the gas emission amount in the cal awas obtained for the production shft and the maitenance shift According to the length of the coal mining face and the face pushing foward speed.the intal gas emision itensity of the cal wal.th attenu ation c eficient and the coal shearer ocation.the gas emission amount ofthe coal wall n the coal mining face could be obtainedat any tine. in order to prove the acuracy of the fomula, racing and survey was conducted on gas emission anount of No.24207 coal mining face and the coal walln Shaqu Nline.The theoretcal calculation value of the gas emission from the coal wall during the prodution shift had a elative eror of 3.77% to the actual measured valu .the relative eror of maintenance shift was 14.65% and the theoreical calculation and the actual measured data were ftied. The studly showed that the gas emiss on from coal wall during production shift would be increased and steadily be in stable and the gas emission amount from c al wall uring mantenance shft ould be apdly decreased with the exposed time of the coal wall increased.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    outburst seam group; fully-mechanized coal mining face; coal wall; gas emission;

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
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