• 全部
  • Title

    Determination on initial coal spontaneous combustion area of coal pile based on COMSOL Software

  • 作者


  • Author

    Qi Qingjie Wang Huan Dong Ziwen Li Yanchuan LiXinghua

  • 单位


  • Organization
    School of Safety Science and Engineering, Liaoning Technical University MOE Key Lab of Mine Thermodynamic Disaster and Prevention
  • 摘要
    为有针对性地对不同堆放参数条件下的煤堆进行自燃防治,基于煤堆自燃理论,采用COMSOL Multiphysics5.0数值仿真软件建立煤堆自燃模型,研究了孔隙率为0.2~0.6时煤堆的最易自燃风速范围、发火期及最易自燃风速范围内煤堆初始自燃位置。结果表明:随着煤堆孔隙率的增大,煤堆自燃风速范围逐渐缩小。煤堆自然发火期的最小、最大值均呈现先增加后减小的变化趋势。在自燃风速范围内,随着风速的增大,不同孔隙率煤堆最易自燃位置呈现"左侧中部-中间中上部-右侧上部"的移动规律,且初始自燃点具有共性,均出现在相同坐标位置处。该结果可为精确定点治理煤堆自燃提供有益的参考。
  • Abstract
    In order to prevent and control spontaneous combustion on the coal piles under different pile parameter conditions, based on the spontaneous combustio n theory of the coal pile, COMSOL Multiphysics 5.0 numerical simulation software was applied to establish a spontaneous combustion model of the coal pile. When the p orosity was 0.2~0.6, the most easy spontaneous combustion air velocity range of the coal pile, the combustion period and the initial spontaneous combustion location of the coal pile within the air velocity range of the most easy spontaneous combustion were studied. The result showed that with the porosity of the coal pile increased, the spontaneous combustion air velocity range of the coal pile would be steadily decreased. The min and max value of the spontaneous combustion period of the coal pile would have an variation tendency with increasing firstly and then reducing. Under the wind speed range of spontaneous, the most easily spontaneous combustion positio n for different porosity coal pile have a migration law of "the middle of the left side-central middle and top part-top of the right side"with the wind velocity increasing. Th e initial spontaneous combustion locations would have the generality and all would be in a location with the same coordinate. The results could provide the beneficial re ferences to accurately set the location and control of the coal pile spontaneous combustion.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    coal pile; spontaneous combustion; air velocity range; COMSOL Software;

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
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