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  • Title

    Study on simulation optimization of gas drainage system based on mine ventilation network feature map

  • 作者


  • Author

    Zhou Xihua Dong Qiang Xu Lina LiAngSong Dongping Bai Gang

  • 单位


  • Organization
    School of Safety Science and Engineering,Liaoning Technical University MOE Key Lab of Mine Thermodynamic Disasters and Prevention
  • 摘要
    为了有效解决下沟矿瓦斯抽采系统在联网抽采过程中遇到的钻孔抽采负压低、抽采管路流量小、管路漏气等问题,提出了使用瓦斯抽采系统仿真模拟方法,并结合风网特征图对抽采系统进行优化。在对抽采管路管流参数计算基础上,使用MATLAB软件结合Cross算法对瓦斯抽采系统进行解算,得到抽采系统的风网特征图。在对风网特征图的"五线"特征分析基础上提出降阻优化措施。结果表明:钻场总平均混合抽采量0.149 1 m~3/s,上隅角混合抽采量0.262 2 m~3/s。瓦斯抽采管路的风网特征图呈现"三角形"分布,抽采流量随管路延长呈线性衰减,分析瓦斯抽采系统的风网特征图可直观地显示阻力分布并以此制定优化措施。
  • Abstract
    in order to effectively sove the low drainage negative pressure in the driling borehole,the low flow of the drainage pipeline,the pipeline air leakage and other problems occurred in the network drainage process of the mine gas drainage system in Xiagou Mine,the optimization was conducted on the drainage system with the simulation nethod of the gas drainage system and the mine ventilation network features diagramBased on the pipe flow parameter calculation of the drainage pipeline,the MATLAB software and Cross algorithm were applied to solve the gas drainage system and the ventilation network feature diagram of the drainage system was obtained.Based on the analysis on the " five lines" features of the ventilation network feature diagram,the optimized measures to reduce the resistance were provided.The result showed that the total average mixed drainage volume at the drilling site was 0.1491 m~3/s and the mixed drainage volume at the top cormner was 0.262 2 m~3/s.The venilation network feature diagram of the gas drainage pipeline was in a triangle type distribution,the drainage flow was decayed in a linear with thepipeline expanded,and the analysis on the ventilation network diagram of the gas drainage system could directly show the resistance disributionso as to set up the optimized measures.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    gas drainage; mine ventilation network feature map; cross algorithm; " five lines" features:

  • 基金项目(Foundation)

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