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  • Title

    Study on morphology features of hydraulic flushing hole based on ore drawing theory

  • 作者


  • Author

    Ma Geng Liu Xiao Li Feng

  • 单位


  • Organization
    School of Energy Science and Engineering,Henan Polytechnic University Henan Chemical lndustry Group Research Institute Company Limited
  • 摘要
    为了研究软煤水力冲孔孔洞形态特征,借鉴放矿理论中的Bergmark-Roos方程,建立了与水力冲孔散体煤岩重力、煤岩摩擦力、水作用力等因素相关的水力冲孔出煤过程中煤岩运移的轨迹方程,并推导了水力冲孔孔洞特征方程;借助MATLAB软件绘制出冲孔孔洞形态为类椭球体,并用数学积分推导了煤体积和水力冲孔孔洞直径计算公式;选取新田煤矿水力冲孔出煤数据进行拟合验证,相关性系数为0.931 4,误差平方和为0.28,并在中马村矿揭煤过程中发现孔洞充填体多为类椭球形状。由此表明,采用Bergmark-Roos方程确定水力冲孔孔洞形态及孔洞直径等参数是准确可行的,能有效指导水力冲孔相关数值模拟及现场应用。
  • Abstract
    in order to study the morphology features of the hydraulic fushing hole in softcoal with the references of Bergmark-Roos equation in the ore drawing theory.a tracing equation of the coal and rock migration was established in the coal discharging process with the hydrauic fushing related to the bulk coal and rock gravity in the hydraulic flushing hole,coal and rock friction force,wate ation of the hydraulic flushing hole features was derived.With the help of MATLAB,an analag ellipsoid of the hydraulic fushing hole morphologywas drawn and the mathematical integration was applied to derive a formula to calculate the coal volume and the hydraulic fushing hole diamerer.The fiting proven was conducted with the coal discharging data ofthe hydraulic fushing hole collected from Xintian Mine.The corelation coeffcient was 0.931 4,the square sum of the error was 0.28,during the seam opening process in Zhongmacun Mine,the backills found in the holes were analogy ellipsoids mostly. Therefore,Bergmark-Roos equation applied to determine the hydraulic fushing hole morphology.hole diameter and other parameters was feasible and reliable ,and could effectively guide the related numerical simulation and site appication of the hydraulic fushing hole.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    hydraulic flushing; Bergmark-Roos equation; hole morphology; analogy ellipsoid;

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