• 全部
  • Title

    Experimental investigation and application of dry-type filtering dust collection technology in fully mechanized excavation face

  • 作者


  • Author

    ZHOU Fu-bao1,2 ,LI Jian-long2 ,LI Shi-hang2 ,WANG Fei2

  • 单位


  • Organization
    1. Key Laboratory of Gas and Fire Control for Coal Mines under Ministry of Education,China University of Mining and Technology,Xuzhou  221116,China; 2. School of Safety Engineering,China University of Mining and Technology,Xuzhou  221116,China
  • 摘要
    煤矿粉尘易诱发严重的矿工尘肺病和煤尘爆炸,然而现有的湿式除尘技术净化效率普遍不高。针对煤矿综掘工作面环境条件特点,分析认为应用于综掘工作面的干式除尘技术的主要影响因素为空气喷雾、清灰均匀性以及清灰策略等。为此,构建了干式过滤除尘实验系统和样机,测试发现适度的喷雾量(2 200 m L/min)有利于提高过滤性能;滤筒内安装正椎体或柱锥体可以改善喷吹流场;而正序和逆序清灰策略则分别更有利于改善清灰效果和降低粉尘排放浓度。研制了KCG-200D干式除尘器并应用于葛泉煤矿,现场全尘和呼尘除尘效率分别为97.39%和96.41%。
  • Abstract
    The coal mine dust induced an increasing coal miner’ s pneumoconiosis and serious coal dust explosion. However,the existing wet dust collection technologies are generally inefficient. According to the environmental condi- tions of fully-mechanized excavation face in coal mine,the main influencing factors of dry-type filtering dust collection technology in fully-mechanized excavation face are water spraying in the air,uniformity of cleaning and cleaning strate- gy,etc. Therefore,dry-type filtering dust collection experiment system and prototype are built in this study. An experi- mental study shows that a moderate amount of spray (2 200 mL / min) is beneficial to improve the filtration perform- ance of the dust collection system. The installation of the normal cone and column cone in the filter cartridge can im- prove the injection flow field. The positive and reverse cleaning mode is more conducive to improve the cleaning effect and reduce the dust emission concentration respectively. A dry-type filtration dust collector KCG-200D is developed and applied in the Gequan coal mine. The total and respirable dust collection efficiencies are 97. 39% and 96. 41% at the scene.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    fully-mechanized excavation face;dry-type dust collection;filtering;water spraying;uniformity of cleaning; cleaning strategy

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • Citation
    Zhou Fubao,Li Jianlong,Li Shihang,et al. Experimental investigation and application of dry-type filtering dust collection technology in fully mechanized excavation face[J]. Journal of China Coal Society,2017,42(3):639-645.

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