• 全部
  • Title

    Experiment study on influence factors of dust fall efficiency in mine mechanized heading face

  • 作者


  • Author

    WANG Zhi-bao HUANG Li-ning LIANG Ai-chun

  • 单位


  • Organization
    Chongqing Research Institute Company Limited,China Coal Technology and Engineering Group
  • 摘要
    针对煤矿开采过程中综掘工作面产生大量粉尘的问题,在实验室建立了基于旋流通风的综掘工作面通风系统,并研究了旋流通风系统中压、抽风筒风口位置和压抽比等关键影响因素对综掘工作面降尘效率的影响。研究结果表明:综掘工作面旋流通风系统可在掘进机司机前方形成基本封闭整个巷道断面的旋流气幕,能有效防止粉尘向其他区域扩散。压抽比一定时,适当地按比例增加压入风量和抽出风量有利于改善旋流通风系统的降尘效果。对于断面积12 m2左右的巷道,合理的压、抽风筒风口至掘进工作面距离分别为17 m、2 m;合理的压抽比为0.9~1.2。
  • Abstract
    According to great dust problems occurred from a mine mechanized heading face during mining process,a ventilation system ofthe mechanized heading fac e was established based on a spiral flow ventilation in a lab. The paper had a study on a medium pressure of thespiral flow ventilation system,the air pressure and suction mouth location of the air pressure and suction duct,pressure and suction ratioand other key influence factors affected to the dust fall efficiency of the mine mechanized hea ding face. The study results showed that thespiral flow ventilation of the mine mechanized heading face could form a basic closed spiral flow air curtain in a full roadway cr oss sectionand could effective prevent dust expanded to other region. When a pressure and suction ratio was at a certain level,to properly and in a cer-tain scale increase t he pressure air volume and suction air volume could be favorable to improve the dust fall effect of the spiral flow venti-lation system. As for the mine roadway with a cross section of 12 m2. The reasonable distance of pressure and suction mouth of pressure andsuction duct to heading face would be 17 m and 2 m. The rational pressure and s uction ratio would be 0.9 ~ 1. 2.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    spiral flow ventilation; mine mechanized heading face; pressure and suction ratio; dust control efficiency;


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