• 全部
  • Title

    Development of ZL400/660 mine semi-closed screw refrigeration unit

  • 作者


  • Author

    CHU Zhao-xiang YAN Hong-yuan TANG Yu YAN Xue-wen CHEN Lian-sheng

  • 单位


  • Organization
    National Key Lab of Gas Disaster Monitoring and Control and Emergent Technology Chongqing Research Institute
    Company Limited,China Coal Technology and Engineering Group Yongchuan Mine,Chongqing Yongrong Mining
    Company Limited Shangzhuang Mine,Fengcheng Coal Mining Administration,Jiangxi Energy Group Corporation
    Shandong Tangkou Coal Industry Company Limited
  • 摘要
    为有效治理煤矿井下存在的高温热害现象,开发了制冷量为400 k W的ZL400/660半封闭式螺杆制冷机组,介绍了其工作原理、结构特点及主要技术指标,并利用自建的检测平台对其运行工况参数进行测试。结果表明:该制冷机组运行稳定,设计条件下机组实际制冷量为420 k W,制冷性能系数达到3.4。同时以ZL400/660制冷机组为核心,建设了局部冷水、冷风降温系统,利用矿井涌水和回风综合排热,使掘进工作面100 m范围内干球温度平均降低5.6℃,湿球温度平均降低8.5℃,相对湿度平均降低20%,该降温系统可以用于治理矿井深水平开拓期间掘进工作面产生的高温热害,为我国矿井高温热害治理提供技术与装备支持。
  • Abstract
    In order to effectively control a high temperature heat disaster phenomenon existed in an underground mine ZL400 /660 mode semi-closed screw refrigerati on unit with refrigerating capacity of 400 k W was developed. The paper introduced the working principle, structure features and main technical index and a surface ground t est was conducted on the operation performance parameters with self made inspection platform. The results showed that the operation of the refrigeration unit was stable. Under the designed condition,an actual refrigerating capacity of the refrigeration unit was 420 k W and the refrigeration performance coefficient reached at 3.4. Based on t he ZL400 /660 mode refrigeration unit as a core,a local cold water and cold wind cooling system was established. The mine water inflow and air retuning applied to the com prehensive thermal drainage could make a dry-bulb temperature within a scope of 100 m near the heading face reduced by 5.6 °C in average,a wet bulb temperature reduc ed by8.5 °C in average and a relative humidity reduced by 20% in average. The high temperature heat disaster occurred from the heading face during the heading period could be controlled in the high level of the mine and the technical and equipment support could be provided to control the high temperature disaster in China mines.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    mine heading face; heat disaster; semi-closed air compressor; refrigeration unit;

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
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