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  • Title

    Study on mining technology to further improve production in fully-mechanized coal mining face with large mining height

  • 作者


  • Author

    Yan Shaohong YuLei Xu Gang Liu Quanming

  • 单位


  • Organization
    Tlandi Science & Technology C.,Ltd.
  • 摘要
    基于大采高综采技术及煤机装备现状,分析了大采高综采技术得以大规模发展的原因,研究了大采高综采工作面产量再提高的回采工艺途径。结果表明大采高综采得以大规模发展的主要原因为:1在我国3.5~7.0 m煤层储量大、赋存稳定、倾角小;2煤机装备参数、性能的提高且大部分国产化;3通过科技攻关对大采高综采的岩层活动规律有了较深认识,得出了大采高综采工作面顶板岩层以"倒梯形短悬臂梁组—铰接岩梁"结构存在。随着采高的增大,大采高综采工作面超前支承压力的影响范围和峰值均显著增加、上覆岩层在工作面横向和纵向的活动范围随之增大、煤壁易在距上部0.35倍采高处发生破裂随后发生片帮等规律支持了开采技术与煤机装备的有机结合。
  • Abstract
    Based on the current state of fully-mechanized coal mining with large mining height technology and equipment,the paper analyzed the factors of large-scale development and studied approaches to further raise production volume at in fully-mechanized coal mining face with large mining height. The paper summarized the followi ng major factors of the large-scale development.First,there was a large and stable coal reserve in China with seam height ranging at 3.5 ~ 7.0 m,and most coal seams had small dip angle.Second,function parameters and performance of the coal mining equipment had been improved and most of the equipment were produced domestically in C hina and no longer needed to import. Third,the movement rule of rock strata in large mining height had been further understood through studies. It's learned that rock strata in the roof of large mining height tend to form into a structure of " inverted-steps-like short cantilever rock beams-hinged rock beams" .With the increasing of mining height,t he sphere of influence from pilot support pressure and its peak value would increase remarkably.The movement range of overburden rock strata in both horizontal and verti cal direction would enlarge. The coal wall tended to fracture at 0.35 time higher of the mining height above the working face,and then the coal wall would cave in.Such rule helped the application of coal mining machinery into coal mining technology.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    fully-mechanized coal mining face with large mining height; double face; single face with double shearers; coal mining technology;

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
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