• 全部
  • Title

    Application and Improvement of Automatic Technology and Equipment to Fully- Mechanized Coal Mining Face in Thin Seam

  • 作者


  • Author

    LI Wen-chang DI Zhi-ping FENG Li-ning

  • 单位


  • Organization
    Jizhong Energy Handan Mining Industry Group Corporation Limited
  • 摘要
    为解决薄煤层采高低、开采空间小,不利于作业人员操作和行走,效率低、劳动强度大等难题,结合多年薄煤层综采实践,系统分析了制约薄煤单产水平低的主要因素,对液压支架结构、供液系统等方面存在的问题进行了改进和完善,并应用自动控制和视频监控技术提高了采煤装备自动化水平。郭二庄煤矿薄煤层工作面开采结果表明,单刀割煤时间由原来1 h缩减到40 min,班循环次数增加1/3,单产水平由原来6万t提高到8万t以上,实现了薄煤层综采自动化安全高效开采。最后针对自动化设备在现场使用过程中存在的问题,对"三机"整体效应、自动化系统推广应用和攻关方向进行了展望。
  • Abstract
    In order to solve the low mining height and small mining space in thin seam, an unfavorable personal operation and walking, low efficiency, high labor int ensity and other difficulties, in combination with the fully- mechanized coal mining practices in thin seam for many years, the paper systematically analyzed major factor s to restrict the low production of a single mining face. The existed problems of the hydraulic powered support structure, hydraulic supply system and others were impro ved and perfected. The automatic control and the video monitoring and control technology were applied to improve the automation level of the coal mining equipment. T he mining results of the coal mining face in thin seam of GuoDerzhuang Mine showed that a single pass cutting coal time was reduced from one hour to 40 min, a circul ation number per shift was increased by 1 /3, a single face production was increased from 60 000 t to over 80 000 t and the fully- mechanized automatic, safety and hig h efficient mining was realized. Finally, according to the problems existed in the site application process of the automatic equipment, the prospects on the three machin e integrated effect, the automatic system promotion and application and the key research orientation were conducted.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    thin seam; fully-mechanized coal mining equipment; hydraulic powered support; video monitoring and control;

  • 相关专题

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