Study on Support Technology for Mine Main Transportation Roadway Perforated Through Mine Main Inclined Shaft with Low Inclination Angle
FU Li_jun
Shanxi China Coal Huayu Group Energy Company Limited China University of Mining and Technology
In order to ensure a mine main transportation roadway safely perforated through a mine main inclined shaft with a low inclination angle during the headin
g process, a site analysis and a ABAQUS numerical simulation means were applied to study on the comprehensive heading and support technology of the mine main tra
nsportation roadway perforated through a mine main inclined shaft with a low inclination angle. The study results showed that the measures to divide the mine main incli
ned shaft and the mine main transportation roadway into different sections for heading and supporting. According to the mine main transportation roadway perforated th
rough different section of the mine main inclined shaft, a bolt- steel mesh ( anchor) - shotcreting support, H steel support and reinforced concrete combined support, hig
h performance bolt- steel mesh- support- shotcreting support, high performance pre- stress thread steel bar bolt, pre- stress anchor, steel mesh, reinforced bar beam, fl
oor beam complex support and other measures were individually conducted. In the different sections of the mine main inclined shaft, a pre- reinforcement with pre- stre
ss anchors, pre- reinforcement combined with floor beam and floor bolt and mine H steel support were applied to the reinforcement and high performance bolt- steel me
sh- support- shotcreting pre- reinforcement. The support measures could ensure a safety heading of the mine main transportation roadway and the surrounding rock sta
bility of the mine main inclined shaft and could realize the mine main transportation roadway successfully perforated through the mine main inclined shaft with low inclin
ed angle.
mine roadway support; ABAQUS numerical simulation; plastic zone; intersection; surrounding rock stability;