• 全部
  • Title

    Study on Desorption Index Sensitivity of Drilling Cuttings from Tunlan Mine

  • 作者


  • Author

    GAO Xu ZHANG Lang WANG Dong SHU Long -yong

  • 单位


  • Organization
    Mine Safety Technology Branch, China Coal Research Institute National Key Lab of Coal Resource High Efficient
    Mining and Clean Uilliation (China Coal Research Institute)
  • 摘要
    为了建立和完善屯兰矿防治煤与瓦斯突出技术体系,确定屯兰矿钻屑解吸指标K1和Δh2的相对敏感性,基于高压定容吸附解吸试验和钻屑解吸指标模拟测定,研究发现屯兰矿各煤层煤样的瓦斯吸附平衡压力与瓦斯解吸量呈幂函数关系,K1和Δh2呈线性关系;屯兰矿各煤层煤样第1 min的瓦斯解吸量比第4—5 min受吸附平衡压力的控制作用更明显;通过现场实测K1和Δh2指标,并结合最小均方差法分析认为屯兰矿各煤层K1比Δh2指标敏感。因此,屯兰矿各煤层进行突出危险性预测时,应选用钻屑解吸指标K1作为主要指标(敏感指标),以Δh2作为辅助指标。
  • Abstract
    In order to establish and improve the coal and gas outburst prevention technical system of Tunlan Mine, relative sensitivities of dilling cuttings about ga s desorption index K1 and Oh2were determined. Based on high pressure set volume adsorption and desorption experiments and simulation measurement of the drilling cuttings desorption index, the study found that the gas adsorption balance pressure and gas desorption volume of each seam sample from Tunlan Mine was in a power function relationship, and K1 and Oh2was in a liner relationship. The first minute gas desorption volume of each seam sample from Tunlan Mine was more obvious than the fourth and fifth minute by the control function of desorption balance pressure. With the site measured of K1 and Oh2and combined with the minimum mean variance method analysis, the paper hold that the K1 of each seam in Tunlan Mine was more sensitive than Oh2index. Therefore, when predicting the outburst danger was condu cted for each seam in Tunlan Mine, the drilling cuting desorption index K1 should be selected as the main index ( sensitive index) and Oh2should be selected as an aux iliary index.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    gas adsorption; gas desorption; desorption index of drilling cuttings; sensitivity;

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
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