• 全部
  • Title

    Design on Hydraulic Support Pressure Monitoring System Based on Wireless Sensor Network

  • 作者


  • Author

    BAI Ya-teng SUN Yan-jing SUN Jian-guang LI Song

  • 单位


  • Organization
    School of Information and Electric Engineering, China Univercity of Mining and Techonology China National Coal
    Group Corp. , Ltd.
  • 摘要
    针对井下有线支架压力监测系统存在电缆易扯断、可扩展性差的缺陷,提出将无线传感器网络和压力在线监测相结合,构建低功耗、高可靠性的支架压力监测系统。系统在井下无线传感器网络中,针对AODV路由协议以最小跳数选择路由时存在的链路不稳定所带来丢包严重的问题,以节点信号强度(RSSI)为路由判据,提出了RSSI-AODV路由协议。通过井下路由测试,RSSI-AODV路由协议在5跳范围内的丢包率维持在3%以内,且分组为800 B时的平均端到端时延是AODV路由协议的2倍,提高了井下数据通信的可靠性。同时,结合井下监测软件进行数据分析,可实时、便捷地查看液压支架监测信息。
  • Abstract
    According to the defects of cable easily snapped and poor scalability for hydraulic support pressure monitoring, a new system that combines wireless se nsor network ( WSN) with monitoring system was proposed, which could track the reliable and real- time pressure information in mines and had the advantages of low p ower, reliable performance and high efficiency. According to when AODV routing protocol choose routing by the minimum hops quantity, existing the problem of packet | oss serious caused by unstabitily link. The system made the Received Signal Strength Indicator ( RSSI) as the routing metric and proposed RSSI- AODV routing protoc ol to route. In the network simulation, the packet loss rate of RSSI- AODV in 5 hops remained at 3%, and the average end- to- end delay for RSSI- AODV was twice as much as the AODV routing protocol when the packet size was 800 B. So it was suitable for the mining communication. In addition, combining the mining monitoring soft ware with WSN, it was convenient to check the hydraulic support monitoring information.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    hydraulic support; pressure monitoring; wireless sensor network; AODV; routing metric; mines;

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
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