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  • Title

    Study on Key Technology of High Cutting Coal Mining Face with Annual Coal Production of 14 Million Tons

  • 作者


  • Author

    DAI Gui-sheng ZHOU Hai-feng

  • 单位


  • Organization
    Daliuta Mine, Shenhua Shendong Coal Group Corporation Limited Department of Production Management,
    Shenhua Shendong Coal Group Corporation Limited
  • 摘要
    基于神东矿区浅埋深大采高工作面年产1 400万t的生产经验,在分析工作面地质条件的基础上,介绍了大采高工作面巷道布置和设备配套情况,并对大采高工作面顶板岩层控制、巷道支护、末采贯通、两端头垂直过渡、巷道底鼓治理、防止煤壁片帮等关键技术进行研究。结果表明:末采贯通期间对挂网工艺进行优化,将大采高工作面末采挂网时间由原来的7 d缩短为2.5 d;大采高工作面两端头采用垂直过渡后单工作面多采出煤炭约120万t,煤炭采出率提高约2%;通过采用超前起底+预制混凝土块+密集单体+帮部加固联合治理底鼓的工艺,工作面在底鼓段的推进速度提高了10倍。通过采取一系列的关键技术,保证了工作面安全高效回采,实现了单工作面年产1 400万t的目标。
  • Abstract
    In view of production experiences on a high cutting coal mining face with an annual coal production of 14 million t in a shallow depth seam of Shendong Mining Area, based on the analysis on geological conditions of the coal mining face, the paper introduced the gateway layout of a high cutting coal mining face and the equipment matched condition and had a study on the roof strata control, gateway support, terminal mining cut- through, two face end vertical transition, control of gatew ay floor heave, coal wall spalling prevention and other key technologies of the high cutting coal mining face. The results showed that during the terminal mining period, with an optimization made on the steel mesh paving technique, a steel mesh paving time at the terminal mining of the high cutting coal mining face was reduced from 7 days to 2.5 days. After the vertical transition applied to the two face ends of the high cutting coal mining face, about 1. 2million tons coal additionally were mined from a single coal mining face and a coal mining recovery rate was improved by about 2%. With a pilot floor dinting + premade concrete block + intensive single props + side wall reinforcement combined floor control techniques applied, an advancing rate of the coal mining face at the floor heave section was increased by 10 times. With a se ries of key technology applied, a safety and high efficient mining of the coal mining face could be ensured and the target of the annual production of 14 million t per sing le coal mining face could be realized.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    high cutting coal mining face; high production and high efficient mine; shallow depth seam; rock strata control;

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
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