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  • Title

    Study on Sintering Process of Casing Type PDC Bit for Directional Drilling

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  • 摘要
    针对红阳二矿井下定向钻孔施工过程中钻头磨损严重、耐冲蚀性不足的情况,利用无压浸渍法烧结了2只钻头直径96 mm的胎体式PDC钻头。介绍了该胎体式钻头的烧结工艺过程,主要包括钻头钢体的制作、胎体部分的软膜成型、陶瓷模具的设计加工以及胎体配方设计。钻头配合ZYWL-6000D型千米定向钻机进行定向钻孔的施工试验,累计进尺3 000余m,钻头在施工过程中表现出良好的机械性能,避免了施工途中更换钻头的情况。
  • Abstract
    According to the serious wear of the bit and the insufficient flushing erosion in the underground directional borehole drilling operation process of Hongya ng No.2 Mine.The no pressure dipping method was applied to sinter two casing type PDC bits with each diameter of 96 mm.The paper introduced the sintering technical process of the casing type bit, mainly including the steel body manufacturing of the bit, the flexible die forming of the casing section, the design and processing of the C eramic die and the casing formulation design.A construction test of the directional drilling was conducted on the ZYWL-6000D mode over 1 000 m directional drilling rig with the drilling bit.A total drilling depth was about 3 000 m.During the construction process, the bit showed good mechanical performances and eliminated the bit excha nging in the construction process.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    casing type PDC bit;sintering technology;ceramic die;directional dilling;casing formula;flexible die forming design;

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主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会

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