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  • Title

    Study on Integration of Lignite Air Heavy Medium Fluidized Bed Dry Separation and Drying

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  • 摘要
    为实现褐煤的有效分选和初步干燥,利用新型空气重介质流化床干法分选与干燥一体化装置对含表面水褐煤进行了分选研究,同时考察了分选过程中褐煤表面水的脱除和加重质的粘附行为。结果表明:新型空气重介质流化床干法分选与干燥一体化装置对含表面水褐煤具有良好的分选效果,并能在温和条件下实现对表面水的有效脱除。当分选时间为2 min、干燥温度为85℃时,较难选低阶褐煤的可能偏差Ep为0.051 g/cm3,表面水脱除率大于80%,脱介前褐煤粘附加重质率仅为0.26%。
  • Abstract
    In order to realize an effective separation and initial drying of lignite, a new type air heavy medium fluidized bed dry separation and drying integration de vice was applied to study the lignite separation with surface water and to investigate the surface water removal of the lignite and the heavy medium sticking behavior du ring the separation process.The results showed that the new type air heavy medium fluidized bed dry separation and drying integration device would have excellent sep aration effect of the lignite with surface water and could effectively remove the surface water of the lignite under a mild condition.When the separation time was 2 min a nd the drying temperature was 85。C, the possible deviation Ep of the difficult separated low rank lignite was 0.051 g/cm3, the surface water removed rate was over 8 0% and the heavy medium quantity ratio sticking on the lignite was 0.26% before the heavy medium removed.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    lignite;dry separatin;fluidized bed;drying;upgrading of lignite;

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