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  • Title

    Present Status and Outlook on Safety and High Efficient Heading Technology of Mine Rock Roadway in China

  • 作者


  • Author

    YANG Ren-shu

  • 单位


  • Organization
    School of Mechanics and Civil Engineering, China University of Mining and Technology (Beiing)
  • 摘要
    为找出我国岩巷掘进技术差距,结合我国煤矿岩巷掘进的现状,总结性地回顾了我国岩巷掘进技术发展历程,着重分析了岩巷掘进中钻爆法和综掘法施工工艺的存在的问题,调查显示我国岩巷掘进存在"两大两低"的特点,进尺平均仅为80 m/月,正规循环率仅为75%,最后指出我国岩巷安全高效掘进发展方向:钻爆法方面基于新型液压钻车的深部大断面巷道深孔爆破配套技术及装备研究,辅以大断面巷道精细爆破及周边定向断裂控制爆破机理研究和控制爆破药卷的推广应用;综掘法方面基于深孔预裂松动爆破的全岩掘进机掘进工艺研究,综掘机的自动化和遥控化研究和全断面硬岩掘进机(TBM)适应性研究。
  • Abstract
    In combination with the present status of the mine roadway heading in China, the paper reviewed conclusively the development progress of the mine roc k roadway heading technology in China and stressed the analysis on the problems existed in the construction techniques with the drilling and blasting method and the f ully mechanized heading method in the mine rock roadway heading.The features of the“two high and two low'existed in China mine rock roadway heading were obtaine d.The average month heading rate was only 80 m and the normal circulation rate was only 75%.The causes of the low mine rock roadway heading speed were analyze d.Finally the paper pointed out the development orientation of the safety and high efficient heading in China mine rock roadway.Based on the study on the deep borehol e blasting matched technology and equipment of the new hydraulic drilling jumbo in the mine deep cross section roadway, the drilling and blasting method would assist t he mechanism study on the fine blasting of the mine large cross section roadway and the peripheral directional cracking controlled blasting and the promoted applicatio n of the controlled blasting cartridge.As for the fully mechanized heading method, based on the study on the tunneling technique of the full rock tunnel boring machine with deep borehole pre-cracking standing blasting, a study on the automatic and remote control of the fully mechanized roadheader and the full rock tunnel boring mach ine were conducted.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    mine rock roadway heading; driling and blasting method; fully mechanized heading method; tunnel boring machine (TBM) ; deep borehole blasting;

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