• 全部
  • Title

    Briquetting Pressure and Fine Coal Particle Distribution Affected to Performances of Cool Pressed Briquette

  • 作者


  • Author

    TIAN Bin XU De-ping YANG Fang-fang PANG Ya-heng XU Rong-sheng LIN Xiong-chao WANG Yong- gang

  • 单位


  • Organization
    School of Chemical and Environment Engineering, China University of Mining and Technology (Beijing)
  • 摘要
    采用无烟煤为原料,腐植酸钠和高岭土复配物为黏结剂制备加压气化用型煤,考察了成型压力和粉煤粒度组成对型煤冷压强度、热压强度和热稳定性的影响。结果表明:成型压力为5.5~19.5MPa时,对大颗粒粉煤成型性能影响较大,对小颗粒粉煤成型性能影响相对较小。-0.075 mm粒度粉煤在低压5.5 MPa下制备的型煤冷压强度、热压强度和热稳定性分别达3 630 N、2 590 N、97.85%,表明小颗粒粉煤有利于制备高性能型煤;此外,-0.150 mm粉煤占成型粉煤50%时,型煤的冷压强度、热压强度和热稳定性最高,分别为4 239 N、2 713 N、98.49%。
  • Abstract
    Briquettes for the pressurized gasification were prepared with anthracite as the raw material and the humic acid sodium and kaolin mixture as the binder. An investigation was conducted on the briquetting pressure and fine coal particle composition affected to the cool pressed strength of the briquette, heat pressed streng th and heat stability. The results showed that when the briquetting pressure was5.5 ~ 19. 5 MPa, the pressure would have high influences to the briquetting performan ces of the large particle fine coal and would have small influences to the briquetting performances of the small particle fine coal. The cool pressed strength, heat presse d strength and heat stability of the briquette prepared under a low pressure of 5.5 MPa and with- 0.075 mm particle fine coal would reach to3 630 N, 2 590 N and 97. 85% individually. The small particle fine coal would be favorable to prepare high performance briquette. In addition, when- 0. 150 mm fine coal taking 50% of the briquet te, the cool pressed strength, heat compressed strength and heat stability of the briquette would be the best and would be 4 239 N, 2 713 N and 98. 49% individually.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    anthracite; briquette; briquetting pressure; particle composition; cool pressed strength; heat pressed strength; heat stbility;

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
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