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  • Title

    Compaction Strength Affected to Air Barrier Property of Covering Materials on Coal Rejects Dumping Pile

  • 作者


  • Author

    CHEN Sheng-hua GUO Tao-ming HU Zhen-qi ZHANG Yong XING Chao GAO Yang

  • 单位


  • Organization
    Yangquan College, Taiyuan University of Technology Research Institute of Land Reclamation and Ecological
    Restoration, China University of Mining and Technology (Beijing) Research Institute of Environmental Protection,
    Technology Center, Yangquan Coal Industry Group Corporation Limited
  • 摘要
    为研究煤矸石山构建覆盖层过程中相关的碾压方法及参数,结合阳泉三矿煤矸石山治理现场条件,以粉土及粉煤灰作为试验材料,通过室内模拟测试土样在不同压实强度作用下的空气阻隔性,分析压实强度对材料阻燃效果的影响及规律,探讨自燃煤矸石山综合治理中碾压强度对覆盖层阻隔功能产生的效应,给出最优的碾压强度。结果表明:压实强度影响材料的空气渗透速度,二者之间呈负指数函数关系;随压实强度增加,材料的空气阻隔性逐渐增大,单位体积压实功从50 kJ/m3增加到300 kJ/m3时,平均渗透率从1.22×10-13m2降到2.17×10-15m2;不同压差下空气渗透速度随单位体积压实功变化的曲线有一个特征点,压差为2~10 kPa时,最有效的单位体积压实功在100~150 kJ/m3。
  • Abstract
    In order to study the related rolling compaction method and parameters in the covering layer building process of the coal rejects dumping pile, in combin ation with the site conditions of the coal rejects dumping pile contral in Yangyquan No. 3 Mine, based on the powder soil and fly ash applied as the test material, an ind oor simulation was applied to measure and test the air barrier property of the samples under the different compaction strengths. The paper analyzed the compaction str ength affected to the fire resistance effect of the material and discussed the rolling strength in the comprehensive control of the spontaneous combusted coal rejects du mping pile affected to the barrier function effect of the covering layer. An optimal rolling strength was provided. The results showed that the compaction strength would affect the air seepage velocity of the material and there was a negative index function relationship between the compaction strength and the material. With the compacti on strength increased, the air barrier property of the material would be steadily increased. When the compaction power per unit volume was increased from 50 kJ 1 m3to 300 kJ 1 m3, the average permeability would be reduced from 1.22 x10-13m2to2. 17 x 10- 15m2. Under the different pressure difference, there was a characteristic poin t in the curve of the permeability velocity varied with the compaction function. When the pressure difference was 2 ~ 10 kPa, the most effective compaction power of the unit volume was 100 ~ 150 kJ 1 m3.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    spontaneous combusted coal rejects dumping pile; compaction strength; air barrier property; air seepage velocity;

  • 基金项目(Foundation)

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