• 全部
  • Title

    Experimental study on the effect of pre-tensioning torque ontensile performance of rockbolts

  • 作者


  • Author

    LOU Jinfu;DONG Shuangyong;YANG Jinghe;YUAN Guiyang;LIU Wenju;WU Zhigang

  • 单位


  • Organization
    CCTEG Coal Mining Research Institute
    State Key Laboratory ofIntelligent Coal Mining and Strata Control
  • 摘要
  • Abstract
    The pre-tightening state of rockbolt has a significant effect on its subsequent performance. Using a self-developed comprehensive experimental platform to assess the mechanical performance of rockbolts, taking the installation of the tray perpendicular to the bolt as an example, varying pre-tighte- ning torques are applied to the rockbolt system to compare the mechanical response during stages of pre- tightening installation and axial tension. The transformation mechanism of axial force on the bolt is re- vealed, and the influence of initial installation on the subsequent performance is explained as well. The experimental results show that there is a linear relationship between the pre-tightening force of bolt and pre-tightening torque, and a nonlinear relationship between the residual torque and pre-tightening torque. During axial tension stage, the residual torque of rockbolts continuously decreases, especially in the elas- tic and yield stages, where the reduction is most significant; while in the strengthening stage, the torqueremains roughly constant. The ultimate bearing capacity of bolts decreases in the combined tension- torsion state, equivalent to 89.65% - 93% of rockbolts material strength. Although the pre-tightening torque has almost no effect on the ultimate bearing capacity of rockbolts, its increase leads to a conti- nuous decrease in the elongation of the rockbotls at the ultimate bearing point. Notably, at a pre-tighte- ning torque of 450 N·m, the elongation rate of rockbolts decreases by 2.2 percentage points compared to the base material. Compared the results of different testing schemes, a reasonable value for pre-tightening torque is determined to be 350 N·m. Mechanical analysis shows that the shear stress generated by the re- sidual torque is the main reason for the reduction in its bearing capacity and elongation. It is recommen- ded to pre tighten rockbolts to eliminate the adverse effects caused by pre-tightening friction at rockbolts tail threads.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    rockbolt;pre-tightening torque;pre-tightening force;residual torque;combined loading

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
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