• 全部
  • Title

    Research on mine worker behavior detection in low-light underground coal mine environments

  • 作者


  • Author

    DONG Fangkai;ZHAO Meiqing;HUANG Weilong

  • 单位

    山西工程技术学院 机械工程系中北大学 机械工程学院中国科学院海西研究院泉州装备制造研究中心

  • Organization
    Department of Mechanical Engineering, Shanxi Institute of Technology
    School of Mechanical Engineering, North University of China
    Quanzhou Institute of Equipment Manufacturing Haixi Institutes, Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • 摘要

    煤矿井下环境复杂,对部分作业现场人员行为进行检测时易出现漏检与误检问题。针对该问题,提出了一种煤矿井下暗光环境人员行为检测方法,包括暗光环境图像增强和行为检测2个部分。暗光环境图像增强基于自校准光照学习(SCI)进行改进,由图像增强网络和校准网络构成。人员行为检测通过引入Dynamic Head检测、跨尺度融合模块和Focal−EIoU损失函数来改进YOLOv8n模型。SCI+网络增强后的图像作为人员行为检测模型检测的对象,完成井下暗光环境人员行为的检测任务。实验结果表明:① 井下暗光环境人员行为检测方法的mAP@0.5为87.6%,较YOLOv8n提升了2.5%,较SSD,Faster RCNN,YOLOv5s,RT−DETR−L分别提升了15.7%,11.5%,0.9%,4.3%。② 井下暗光环境人员行为检测方法的参数量为3.6×106个,计算量为11.6×109,检测速度为95.24 帧/s。 ③ 在公开数据集EXDark上,井下暗光环境人员行为检测方法的mAP@0.5为74.7%,较YOLOv8n提升了1.5%,表明该方法具有较强的泛化能力。

  • Abstract

    The underground coal mine environment is complex, leading to missed and false detections when monitoring behaviors of mine workers under certain operational conditions. To address this issue, a method for detecting mine worker behaviors in low-light underground environments is proposed, which includes two parts: a low-light image enhancement and a behavior detection. The low-light image enhancement(SCI+) was improved based on self-calibrated illumination (SCI) learning, which consists ofan image enhancement network and a calibration network. The behavior detection improved the YOLOv8n model by incorporating the Dynamic Head detection, a cross-scale fusion module, and the Focal-EIoU loss function. Enhanced images from the SCI+ network were used as inputs to the behavior detection model to complete the tasks of mine worker behavior detection in low-light underground environments. Experimental results showed that: ① the method for mine worker behavior detection in low-light underground environments achieved an mAP@0.5 of 87.6%, representing an improvement of 2.5% over YOLOv8n, and improvements of 15.7%, 11.5%, 0.9%, and 4.3% compared to SSD, Faster RCNN, YOLOv5s, and RT-DETR-L, respectively. ② The method had a parameter count of 3.6×106, a computational complexity of 11.6×109, and a detection speed of 95.24 frames per second. ③ On the public EXDark dataset, the method achieved an mAP@0.5 of 74.7%, which was 1.5% higher than YOLOv8n, demonstrating strong generalization capability.

  • 关键词

    暗光环境井下人员行为检测自校准光照学习图像增强SCI+网络Dynamic Head跨尺度融合模块Focal−EIoU损失函数YOLOv8n

  • KeyWords

    low-light environment;underground mine worker behavior detection;self-calibrated illumination learning;image enhancement;SCI + network;Dynamic Head;cross-scale fusion module;Focal-EIoU loss function;YOLOv8n

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    董芳凯,赵美卿,黄伟龙. 煤矿井下暗光环境人员行为检测研究[J]. 工矿自动化,2025,51(1):21-30, 144.
  • Citation
    DONG Fangkai, ZHAO Meiqing, HUANG Weilong. Research on mine worker behavior detection in low-light underground coal mine environments[J]. Journal of Mine Automation,2025,51(1):21-30, 144.
  • 图表
    • 井下暗光环境人员行为检测网络结构

    图(13) / 表(5)


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