• 全部
  • Title

    Exploration and practice of digital and intelligent coal preparation plant construction in Guoneng Yulin Energy Company

  • 作者


  • Author

    LIU Yue-mu

  • 单位


  • Organization
    Guoneng Yulin Energy Co. , Ltd.
  • 摘要


  • Abstract

    The construction status of domestic digital and intelligent coal preparation plant was introduced. The application practice of Guoneng Yulin Energy Company to build a safe, efficient and intelligent digital coal preparation plant by applying 5G, artificial intelligence, cloud computing, robot, virtual reality and other cutting-edge technologies is described. The problems existing in the intelligent construction of coal preparation plant are put forward. It is hoped that through the exploration and practice of the digital and intelligent coal preparation plant of Guoneng Yulin Energy, it will bring some reference and thinking to promote the development of digital and intelligent coal preparation plants in China, and add innovative driving force for the construction of a modern coal preparation plant with few people and no one.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    digitalize;Intelligent;control platform;virtual reality;robotics

  • 文章目录

                        1 国内选煤厂数字化、智能化建设现状
    2 国能榆林能源公司数字化、智能化选煤厂建设的主要内容
    2.1 数字化、智能化选煤厂总体架构
    2.2 IT基础设施及现场自动化设备升级
    2.2.1 IT基础设施建设
    2.2.2 现场自动化设备升级改造方面
    2.2.3 生产系统智能化建设
    2.2.4 生产保障类智能化系统建设
    2.2.5 一体化智能生产控制平台建设
    2.2.6 智能决策、管理平台建设
    3 数字化、智能化选煤厂实践过程的探索与思考
    3.1 存在问题
    3.2 煤炭产业数字化转型、智能化建设建议
    4 结 语

  • DOI
  • 引用格式

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