Study on influence of superimposed effect of gas extraction in downhole drilling
LIU Jun;LU Peng;LIU Zhikuan;SU Min
河南理工大学 安全科学与工程学院煤炭安全生产与清洁高效利用省部共建协同创新中心
In order to better reveal the change of effective extraction radius and the influence of extraction superposition effect on the extraction effect in the process of coal seam gas extraction, a three-dimensional coal seam gas-solid coupling model is established based on the assumption of pore-fracture dual medium. Based on the theoretical model, 2901 working face of Shanxi Yamei Daning Energy Co., Ltd. is taken as the technical background, and numerical simulation of coal seam gas extraction is carried out by using COMSOL software, which analyzes the change rule of effective extraction radius with extraction time, and verifies the accuracy of numerical simulation results by combining with the results of on-site test. The mechanism of the superposition effect of multi-drilling extraction was studied, and the influence of hole spacing and negative pressure on the superposition effect of extraction was analyzed. The results show that: the change amplitude of the effective extraction radius gradually slows down with the extraction time and tends to stabilize, and the two are in a power function relationship, with the functional expression
gas extraction;gas-solid coupling;three-dimensional numerical simulation;effective extraction radius;superposition effect
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会