• 全部
  • Title

    Application Research on High-Strength Anchor Injection Reinforcement of Expansive Clay Layer Roadway

  • 作者


  • Author

    Li Jianjian;Li Li;Duan Shuangcheng

  • 单位


  • Organization
    Shandong Anke Mine Support Technology Co., Ltd.
    CHN Energy Ningxia Coal Industry Hongshiwan Coal Mine Co., Ltd.
  • 摘要


  • Abstract

    In response to the stability control problem of the soft rock roadway in the high expansion clay section of the 1 auxiliary inclined shaft of Hongshiwan Coal Mine, through the theory of high-strength anchor injection support technology, research methods such as on-site investigation and analysis, numerical simulation, engineering testing and others are adopted to analyze the failure characteristics of soft rock and the instability mechanism of the support structure in the high expansion clay section. A prestressed high-strength anchor injection support scheme is proposed, which uses high-strength, high viscosity, mud loving grouting anchoring materials and large-diameter grouting anchor rods (anchor cables) to full cross section enclose the surrounding rock body. The focus is on strengthening the strength and range of the bottom side support, eliminating the weak points of the floor support, improving the strength of the protection surface, forming a full cross section anchor injection support carrier ring, and increasing the stability and integrity of the surrounding rock-support body. The on-site applications show that prestressed high-strength anchor injection support strengthens the overall connection between the support body and the surrounding rock body, improves the initiative and bearing strength of roadway support, achieves collaborative coupling of the support-surrounding rock system in terms of support strength and stiffness, effectively controls large deformation of surrounding rock, and ensures long-term stability of the roadway.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    high expansion;roadway;anchor injection;support

  • DOI
  • 相关文章

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