1. 2009年教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划(2010)
2. 2009年北京市优秀人才培养资助(2010)
3. 2009年全国百篇优秀博士学位论文:温度-应力共同作用下砂岩破坏的细观机制与强度特征(2010)
4. 第11届煤炭青年科技奖(2010)
5. 2010年北京市科技新星(2011)
6. 2010年霍英东教育基金会第十二届高等院校青年教师基金基础性研究课题资助(2010)
7. 2013年中国力学学会全国徐芝纶力学优秀教师奖(2013)
8. 霍英东教育基金会第十四届高等院校青年教师奖(二等奖) (2014)
9. 第七届“北京市优秀青年人才” (2014)
10. 第二批中组部万人计划“青年拔尖人才”(2014)
11. 全国煤炭青年五四奖章(2016)
12. 国家自然科学基金优秀青年基金(2016)
13. 第九届中国岩石力学与工程学会青年科技奖金奖(2016)
1. Jian-Ping Zuo, Xi-Shu Wang, De-Qiang Mao, Chun-Lai Wang, Jiang Guanghui. T–M coupled effects on cracking behaviors and reliability analysis of double-notched crustal rocks. Engineering fracture mechanics, 2016,158: 106-115
2. Jianping Zuo,Guanghui Jiang, Xu Wei, Haicheng Su. A gas-mechanical coupled constitutive equation for fractured coal containing gas. Journal of Natural Gas Science & Engineering, 2016, 36:1109-1119
3. Zuo Jianping, Wei Xu, Pei Jianliang, Zhao Xiaoping. Investigation on bending meso-failure behavior of Jinping deep marble through SEM with loading system. Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, 2015, 7(5): 593-599
4. Jianping Zuo, Huihai Liu, Hongtao Li. A theoretical derivation of the Hoek-Brown failure criterion for rock materials. Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, 2015, 7(4): 361-366
5. Zuo Jian-ping, Xie He-ping, Dai Feng, Ju Yang. Three-point bending tests investigation of the fracture behavior of siltstone after thermal effects. International Journal of Rock mechanics and Mining Science, 2014, 70: 133–143
6. Jian-Ping Zuo, Xi-Shu Wang, Mao Deqiang. SEM in-situ study on the effect of offset-notch on basalt cracking behavior under three-point bending load. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2014, 131: 504–513
7. ZuoJianping, XieHeping, Zhou Hongwei. Investigation on meso-failure behavior of rock under thermal-mechanical effects based on high temperature SEM. SCIENCE CHINA Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy, 2012, 55(10):1855-1862
8. ZUO Jian-ping, XIE He-ping, Zhou Hongwei, Peng Su-ping. SEM in-situ investigation on thermal cracking behavior of Pingdingshan sandstone at elevated temperatures. Geophysical Journal International, 2010, 181(2):593-603
9. Zuo Jian-Ping, Peng Su-Ping, Li Yong-Jun, Chen Zhong-Hui, Xie He-Ping. Investigation of karst collapse based on 3-D seismic technique and DDA method at Xieqiao coal mine, China. International Journal of Coal geology, 2009, 78(4): 276-287
10. Jian-ping Zuo, He-ping Xie, Hong-wei Zhou. Experimental determination of the coupled thermal-mechanical effects on fracture toughness of sandstone. ASTM: Journal of Testing and Evaluation, 2009, 37(1): 48-52
11. Jian-ping Zuo, Hong-tao Li, He-ping Xie, Yang Ju, Su-ping Peng. A nonlinear strength criterion for rocklike materials based on fracture mechanics.International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 2008, 45(4): 594-599
12. ZUO Jian-ping, XIE He-ping, ZHOU Hong-wei,PENG Su-ping. Thermal-mechanical coupled effect on fracture mechanism and plastic characteristics of sandstone. Science in China Series E: Technological Sciences, 2007, 50(6): 833-843
[1]. 左建平,曹光明等. 采矿围岩破坏力学与全空间协同控制实践. 科学出版社,2016年2月
(1) 适合扫描电镜的三点弯曲试验机夹具. 实用新型,专利号:ZL 2011 2 0058203.8
(2) 精确测试不同应力条件下波的传播速度的装置及方法. 发明专利. 专利号:ZL 2011 1 0055401.3
(3) 一种玻璃钢锚杆控制大采高煤壁片帮的加固方法. 实用新型, 专利号: ZL201420690669.3
(4) 一套便于张拉及锁紧的高预应力桁架锚索连接装置. 实用新型专利,专利号:201420738580.X
(5) 一种新型CVD金刚石复合片锚杆钻头. 实用新型专利,专利号:201520577229.1
(6) 一种巷道全空间预应力桁架锚索锚杆协同支护方法. 发明专利,申请号:201410815859.8
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会