Tensile fracture mechanism of rock mass induced by the unloading seeping of confining pressure in deep coal mining
LI Chunyuan,CUI Chunyang,LEI Guorong,ZUO Jianping,YU Xiang,HE Tuan,LI Xiangshang,DU Weisheng
煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 深部开采与冲击地压防治研究院中国矿业大学(北京) 力学与建筑工程学院
受开采卸荷扰动影响,深部岩体裂隙内的高压力承压水极易渗透进入采场或采空区而诱发 突水灾害。 为研究深部开采高应力岩体围压的卸荷-渗流致裂力学机制,基于岩体裂隙的应力集 中演化方程及有效应力原理,计算并获得了围压卸荷-渗流过程中裂隙岩体内拉应力的演化规律, 确立了岩体裂隙产生卸荷-渗流致拉破裂的条件及力学机制;结合应力卸荷量定义及 Bandis 双曲 线裂隙变形公式,计算获得了不同采深岩体围压卸荷-渗流致拉破裂的卸荷量临界值变化规律,发 现了裂隙岩体的渗透率突变点即为其卸荷-渗流致拉破裂的卸荷量临界值,对比分析了岩体围压 卸荷-渗流过程中拉破裂与剪切破裂的关系,并进行了试验验证。 结果表明:受围压卸荷及承压水 渗流影响,深部裂隙岩体内部产生了与卸荷方向平行的附加拉应力 ΔσT ;且岩体内裂隙尺寸越大, ΔσT峰值越高;ΔσT随采深及承压水压力增加而增大。 当ΔσT大于等于岩体围压及裂隙结构抗拉强 度之和时,岩体内产生拉破裂,并将导致岩体渗透率非线性突增,突变点恰为岩体拉破裂的卸荷量 临界值;且采深及承压水压力越大,岩体渗透率突变点的围压卸荷量越小。 而受裂隙岩体结构及属 性参数影响,岩体拉破裂的卸荷量临界值可高于或低于剪切破裂;随采深增加,岩体可由剪切破裂 向拉破裂转变。
Under the influence of stress unloading after mining,the confined water with high pressure in deep rock cracks can easily penetrate into the longwall face and goaf,which may cause water inrush disaster. In order to study the fracture mechanism of high stress rock masses induced by the confining pressure unloading seeping process (CPUS) in deep mining,the tensile stress evolution in rock mass was obtained based on the evolution equation of stress concentration and the principle of effective stress,and the tensile fracture conditions and mechanical mechanism of rock masses induced by the CPUS were established. Combined with the definition of the stress unloading level (SUL) and the deformation formula of Bandis hyperbolic cracks,the critical values variation of the stress unloading level in the CPUS was calculated under different mining depths. It was found that the abrupt change point of permeability of fractured rock mass under the CPUS is exactly the critical value of SUL. The relationship between the tensile and shear fracture under the CPUS was comparatively analyzed and verified by experiments. The results show that:under the influence of confining pressure unloading and confined water seepage,the additional tensile stresses ΔσT in deep fractured rock mass paralleled to the unloading direction are generated;the peak value of ΔσT increases with the crack scale of the rock mass;and ΔσT increases with the mining depth and confined water pressure. When ΔσT is greater than or equal to the sum of confining pressure and the tensile strength of crack,tensile fracture occurs in the rock mass,which will lead to nonlinear increase for the permeability of rock masses,and the abrupt change point is exactly the critical value of SUL. In addition,with the increase of mining depth and confined water pressure,the SUL of confining pressure of permeability abrupt change point decreases significantly. Affected by the structure and property of fractured rock masses,the critical value of SUL of the tensile fracture can be higher or lower than that of shear fracture,and the fracture modes of rock masses will change from shear to tensile with the increase of mining depth.
tensile fracture;unloading seeping;confining pressure;crack in rock mass;deep coal mining
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会