• 全部
  • Title

    Crack development characteristics and fracture modes of primary coal-rock mass induced by the unloading of confining pressure in deep coal mining

  • 作者

    李春元雷国荣何 团左建平于 祥郑建伟齐庆新

  • Author

    LI Chunyuan,LEI Guorong,HE Tuan,ZUO Jianping,YU Xiang,ZHENG Jianwei,QI Qingxin

  • 单位

    煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 深部开采与冲击地压防治研究院天地科技股份有限公司 北京技术研究分公司中国矿业大学(北京) 力学与建筑工程学院

  • Organization
    Deep Mining and Rock Burst Research Institute,Chinese Institute of Coal Science;Beijing Technology Research Branch,Tian Di Science & Technology Co.,Ltd.,;School of Mechanics and Civil Engineering,China University of Mining and Technology- Beijing
  • 摘要

    受开采卸荷扰动影响,深部岩体互层及其组合结构系统的破裂失稳是诱发采场突水等灾害 的主要原因之一。 为研究深部开采围压卸荷对岩体组合结构破裂的影响,室内开展了原生煤岩组 合体三轴加卸荷-渗流试验,获得了不同初始围压下原生煤岩组合体围压卸荷致裂的竖向倾斜及 环向裂隙分类特征,研究了其轴压卸荷起点围压卸荷终点的强度特征及主导破裂模式的力学机 制;结合 CT 扫描与三维重构技术,获取了原生煤岩组合体卸荷破裂的几何特征;建立了围压卸荷 量与岩体卸荷致拉破裂致剪破裂的关系,揭示了围压卸荷致裂模式与渗透率突变关系,验证并判 定了不同初始围压下原生煤岩组合体的主导卸荷致裂模式。 结果表明:在围压卸荷和轴压加载共 同作用下,原生煤岩组合体卸荷破裂模式主要分为围压卸荷致拉破裂致剪破裂及轴压协同卸荷致 裂模式 ;随初始围压增加,原生煤岩组合体围压卸荷致拉破裂的围压卸荷终点临界值及致剪破 裂的轴压卸荷起点临界值均线性增加;围压卸荷可致轴压协同卸荷突降并驱动煤岩分界面及层理 等原生裂隙结构环向张拉破裂,且以沟通倾斜及竖向裂隙为主导;而围压卸荷致拉破裂与致剪破裂 模式均可致原生煤岩组合体渗透率突变增高,突变点致裂模式与其围压卸荷终点的卸荷量临界值 密切相关

  • Abstract

    Under the influence of stresses unloading after mining,the fracture and instability of the interbedding and combined structure system of deep rock mass is one of the main causes of water inrush in the longwall face. In or- der to study the influence of confining pressure unloading(CPU)on the fracture of rock mass combined structure in deep coal mining,the triaxial loading,unloading-seepage tests of primary coal-rock mass(PCRM)were carried out in the laboratory. The classification characteristics of PCRM under different initial confining pressures were obtained.And the strength characteristics of the starting point of axial compressive stress unloading and the terminal point of confining pressure unloading and the mechanical mechanism of the dominant fracture modes were studied. Combined with CT scanning and three dimensions reconstruction techniques,the unloading fracture geometric charac- teristics of PCRM were obtained. The relationships between the unloading level of confining pressure and the tensile fracture and shear fracture of rock mass were established. And the relationships between the fracture modes of CPU and the sharply increase of the permeability were revealed. Meanwhile,the dominant unloading fracturing modes of PCRM under different initial confining pressures were verified and determined. The results show that under the joint action of CPU and axial pressure loading,the dominant fracture modes of PCRM mainly include three types,and they are tensile fracture,shear fracture induced by CPU,and the fracture induced by the axial compressive stress unloa- ding coordinated with CPU,respectively. With the increase of initial confining pressure,the critical value of unloa- ding terminal point of confining pressure for the tensile fracture and the unloading starting point of the axial compres- sive stress for the shear fracture increase linearly. The CPU can cause the synergetic unloading of the axial compres- sive stress drop suddenly,that could drive primary crack structure in the coal-rock interface and bedding plane to an- nularly open or tensile fracture,and they mainly link with inclined and vertical cracks. Besides,both tensile fracture and shear fracture mode induced by CPU can cause the permeability of PCRM suddenly increase,the fracture mode at the sudden increase point of the permeability is closely related to their critical values of the unloading level of confi- ning pressure.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    deep coal mining;coal-rock mass;confining pressure;stress unloading;tensile fracture;shear fracture

  • 引用格式
    李春元,雷国荣,何团,等.深部开采原生煤岩组合体围压卸荷致裂特征及破裂模式研究 [J].煤炭学报,2023,48(2):678-692.
    LI Chunyuan, LEI Guorong, HE Tuan, et al. Crack development characteristics and fracture modes of primary coal-rock mass induced by the unloading of confining pressure in deep coal mining[J].Journal of China Coal Society,2023,48(2):678-692.
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  • 图表
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