Energy evolution law and differential energy instability model of coal rock combined body
ZUO Jianping,SONG Hongqiang
中国矿业大学(北京) 力学与建筑工程学院中国矿业大学(北京) 煤炭资源与安全开采国家重点实验室
为有效评价煤岩组合模型的冲击倾向性,体现围岩性质对其失稳破坏的影响,首先对比了 不同类型煤岩的能量积聚特性,发现同一应力水平时煤岩具有的弹性能密度主要取决于其弹性模 量,且两者呈负相关关系。 基于此,分析了煤岩组合试样中煤体、岩体的弹性能密度演化规律,表明 煤体是组合试样中弹性能积聚与释放的主体;同时计算了两者的峰值弹性能密度差,发现该参量与 组合试样破坏的剧烈程度密切相关,即峰值弹性能密度差越大,往往组合试样破坏越剧烈。 基于大 量试验数据讨论了影响该参量的因素,结果表明该参量与组合试样抗压强度、煤体弹性模量、岩煤 高度比、岩煤弹模比等因素均具有正相关性,而与岩体弹性模量的关系不明确,其中抗压强度是主 控因素。 从非平衡热力学和耗散结构的观点出发,基于煤岩弹性能密度差的分析,构建了组合煤岩 系统的差能失稳分析模型,当其处于临界态时,系统的弹性能密度差最大,此时系统处于最不稳定 状态。 据此,提出以煤岩系统的峰值弹性能密度差与失稳持续时间的比值作为评价煤岩组合体冲 击倾向性的指标,该指标从煤岩整体系统的角度出发,考虑了煤体与岩体的力学特性及能量积聚性 质的差异,本质上表征了煤岩系统失稳过程中储存弹性能的释放速率,并由试验与模拟数据验证了 该指标的有效性。 煤岩组合体差能失稳模型一定程度可反映煤岩组合冲击失稳的力学现象。
In order to effectively evaluate the burst liability of coal rock combination model and reflect the effect of surrounding rock properties on its instability and failure,the energy accumulation characteristics of different types of rocks are first compared. It is found that the elastic energy density of rock at the same stress level mainly depends on its elastic modulus,and there is a negative correlation between them. According to this,the elastic energy evolution laws of coal and rock masses in combination samples are analyzed,indicating that the coal mass is the main body for the accumulation and release of elastic energy. The peak elastic energy density difference between them is further calculated. It is shown that this parameter is closely related to the severity of failure of a combination sample,that is,the greater the peak elastic energy density difference,the more violent the failure of combination samples tends to be. Then,based on a large number of test data,the factors affecting the parameter are discussed. The results indicate that the parameter has a positive correlation with the compressive strength of combination sample,elastic modulus of coal,rock coal height ratio,and rock coal elastic modulus ratio,among which the compressive strength is the main factor,while the relationship with the elastic modulus of rock is unclear. After that,based on the viewpoint of nonequilibrium thermodynamics and dissipative structure,a Differential Energy Instability Model (DEIM) for the combined coal rock system is established from the perspective of elastic energy density difference. When it is in the critical state,the elastic energy density difference of the system is the largest,and the system is in the most unstable state. Accordingly,the ratio of peak elastic energy density difference of coal rock system to instability duration is proposed as an index to evaluate the bursting liability of coal rock combination model. The index treats the combined coal rock as a system,taking into account the differences in the mechanical properties and energy accumulation characteristics of the coal and rock masses,and essentially represents the release rate of stored elastic energy during the instability process of coal rock system,and the rationality of the index is verified by experimental and simulated data. The DEIM of coal rock combined body can approximately reflect the mechanical phenomenon of coal rock burst.
coal rock combined body;peak elastic energy density difference;differential energy instability model;differential energy instability index;bursting liability
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会