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  • Title

    Floor failure mechanical behavior and partition characteristics under the disturbance of voussoir beam instability in deep coal mining

  • 作者


  • Author

    LI Chunyuan1,2 ,ZHANG Yong2 ,ZUO Jianping1 ,TANG Shijie3 ,LIU Shifeng3

  • 单位

    中国矿业大学(北京) 力学与建筑工程学院中国矿业大学(北京) 共伴生能源精准开采北京市重点实验室河南能源化工集团 焦煤煤业赵固(新乡)能源有限公司

  • Organization
    1. School of Mechanics and Civil Engineering,China University of Mining and Technology (Beijing),Beijing  100083,China; 2. Beijing Key Laboratory for Precise Mining of Intergrown Energy and Resources,China University of Mining and Technology (Beijing),Beijing  100083,China; 3. Zhaogu ( Xinxiang) Limited Company of Jiaozuo Coal Industrial Group,Henan Energy and Chemical Industry Group Co. ,Ltd. ,Xinxiang  453634,China
  • 摘要

    深部开采的强扰动附加属性导致底板煤岩破坏加剧,易沟通底板承压水导升带而诱发突水灾害,故研究砌体梁失稳扰动底板破坏的力学行为可为实现矿山岩层控制提供重要的理论基础。根据弹塑性力学理论分析了深部开采砌体梁失稳扰动底板破坏的动载源特征,基于压力拱及损伤力学理论研究了砌体梁失稳扰动底板压剪破坏和卸荷破坏的力学行为,应用离散元软件计算分析了不同采深下砌体梁失稳扰动底板的应力变化及变形破坏行为,结合采动力学全过程应力-应变曲线获得了深部开采底板强扰动破坏的分区特征,并应用深部开采微震监测数据进行了验证。结果表明:砌体梁失稳后,梁端煤壁端部及触矸区域底板应力增高并形成了塑性屈服区和触矸破坏区,两者之间则形成了压力拱形式的卸荷破坏区;随采深增加,底板塑性屈服区和触矸破坏区的压应力增量及卸荷破坏区的卸荷反弹力不断增大,并使得底板岩体最大变形量在采深700 m以浅时近似线性增加,而采深700 m以深的深部开采却表现为非线性突变增长;深部开采高围压造成底板压应力峰值及卸荷反弹力非线性增加,促使了扰动岩体由浅部脆性向深部延性的转变,并导致其强扰动破坏的分区范围扩大,变形破坏深度增加,深部开采底板的非线性强扰动破坏行为在底板浅部最突出。

  • Abstract
    Floor failure becomes intensified under the additional property of strong disturbance in deep coal mining, which easily connects hydraulic fractured zone and induces confined aquifer water inrush disasters. Therefore,it can provide an important theoretical basis for realizing strata control in coal mines by the research on floor failure mechani- cal behavior under the disturbance of voussoir beam instability. According to the elastic-plastic mechanics theory,the dynamic load source characteristic of floor failure under the disturbance of voussoir beam instability in deep coal mining was analyzed. Mechanical behavior of compression-shear failure and unloading failure under the disturbance of voussoir beam instability were studied based on pressure arch theory and damage mechanics. The discrete numerical software was applied to calculate the floor stress change and deformation and failure behavior under the disturbance of voussoir beam instability in different mining depths. Combined with the complete stress-strain relationship of mining- induced mechanical test, strong disturbance failure partitions characteristics of floor in deep coal mining were ob- tained. Then it carried out verifications by using the mi-croseismic monitoring data of field measurement in deep coal mining. The results show that the stress increases at the coal rib and touching gangues area of the beam end after the main roof beam instability,and plastic yielding zone and touching gangues are formed at the floor,and unloading fail- ure zone is shaped in the middle of them,which appears as the pressure arch shape. With mining depth increasing,the incremental compression stress of floor plastic yielding zone,touching gangues and unloading rebounding stress of un- loading failure zone increase grad-ually,which cause the largest deformation of floor rock mass increase approximate linearly with the mining depth less than 700 m,but increase nonlinearly and change suddenly when the mining depth is more than 700 m. High confining pressure of deep coal mining leads to peak compression stress and unloading reboun- ding stress raises nonlinearly,which results in the failure of disturbance rock mass changing from the brittleness of shallow mining to the ductility of deep mining,then it brings about the expansion of partitions range of strong disturb- ance failure and the growth of deformation failure depth. The nonlinearly failure behavior of floor under the strong dis- turbance is most prominent in the shallow part in deep coal mining.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    floor rock mass;failure behavior;voussoir beam instability;strong disturbance;deep coal mining

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • Citation
    LI Chunyuan,ZHANG Yong,ZUO Jianping,et al. Floor failure mechanical behavior and partition characteristics under the disturbance of voussoir beam instability in deep coal mining[J]. Journal of China Coal Society,2019,44(5):1508 -1520.
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  • 图表
    • 砌体梁失稳扰动底板破坏力学模型

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