• 全部
  • Title

    Failure behavior and simulation analysis on coal and oil shale combined mining through ascending unloading mining method

  • 作者


  • Author

    ZUO Jian-ping1,2 ,SUN Yun-jiang1 ,JIANG Guang-hui1 ,WANG Pan-fei3 ,WANG Wen-bo3 ,SHI Yue1

  • 单位


  • Organization
    1. School of Mechanics and Civil Engineering,China University of Mining and Technology(Beijing),Beijing  100083,China;2. State Key Laboratory of Coal Resources and Safe Mining,China University of Mining and Technology(Beijing),Beijing  100083,China;3. Shandong Energy Longkou Mining Group Co. , Ltd. ,Longkou  265700,China
  • 摘要
    基于龙口北皂煤矿工程背景,提出了煤与油页岩上行卸荷联合开采方法。指出了煤与油页岩联合开采需要解决的关键问题:油页岩破坏机理与峰后强度特性、油页岩工作面布置与回采巷道围岩控制、煤与油页岩联合开采的非连续破断数值分析等。研究认为油页岩在下部煤层开采后处于峰后破坏阶段,之后被重新压实,强度有所回升,油页岩开采应处于中间某一合理强度区间。研究表明北皂矿煤2与油页岩联合开采的合理层间距范围为[13.2 m,32.9 m],且油页岩开采工作面应滞后煤层开采工作面大于125 m。煤与油页岩联合开采在龙口北皂矿成功进行了工程实践,取得了良好的经济效益,实现了煤矿的可持续发展。
  • Abstract
    Based on the engineering background of Beizao Coal Mine in Longkou, the ascending combined mining method of coal and oil shale is put forward in this paper. The key problems of combined mining on coal and oil shale include the failure mechanism and post-peak strength characteristics of oil shale,mining face layout and surrounding rock control,the mining discontinuous deformation analysis of oil shale etc. The oil shale will fail after the excavation of coal,and then be compacted. The strength of failed oil shale will increase with compacting. Therefore,the oil shale can be mined at a reasonable range of strength. Research indicates that the reasonable spacing range of layers is about from 13. 2 m to 32. 9 m for the ascending combined mining of coal and oil shale in Beizao Coal Mine. MDDA program has been used to simulate the combined mining of coal and oil shale. Simulation results indicates that the oil shale mining face can be arranged behind the coal mining face more than 125 m. The combined mining of coal and oil shale has been successfully applied in Beizao Coal Mine,which achieved good economic benefits and realized sustainable the development of the coal mine.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    combined mining of coal and oil shale;unloading damage;recompaction;effect of time and space;wholespace synergetic support;mining discontinuous deformation analysis

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • Citation
    Zuo Jianping,Sun Yunjiang,Jiang Guanghui,et al. Failure behavior and simulation analysis on coal and oil shale combined mining through ascending unloading mining method[J]. Journal of China Coal Society,2017,42(3):567-573.
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