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  • Title

    Design of Wireless Monitoring and Measuring System with Vital Signs in Mine Emergent Rescue

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  • 摘要
  • Abstract
    According to the technology backward of the communication command system in the available mine emergent rescue, it is hard to obtain an individual vit al signs parameter and different information status of each rescue member and thus the application study on the wireless monitoring and measuring technology of the vi tal signs to the mine emergent rescue was provided.The paper introduced the general structure of the vital signs wireless monitoring and measuring system and had a s tudy on the key technologies of the vital signs wireless monitoring and measuring, including the structure design of the vital signs sensor, the design of the vital signs m onitoring and measuring communication protocols and the design of the vital signs monitoring and measuring software for the mine rescue members. The study results would provide the basis for the mine rescue members to take the right measures to ensure self safety.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    vital signs;emergent rescue;wireless monitoring and measuring;sensing technology;coal mine;

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
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