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  • Title

    Wireless Real-time Video Transmission System of Mine Roadheader Based on H.264

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  • 摘要
    视频实时传输是煤矿井下采掘装备遥控可视化的关键技术之一,针对煤矿井下生产的特点,提出并实现了一种新的掘进机无线实时视频传输系统构架。该系统采用DaVinci平台芯片TMS320DM6446进行视频采集和压缩,实现H.264标准的视频编码;并应用802.11 g协议、2.4GHz频段上定向天线视距(50~100 m)无线传输方式,提高系统传输信道的抗干扰和可靠性。测试结果表明该系统能够实现掘进机运行过程和状态的实时视频监测。
  • Abstract
    The video on time transmission is one of the visualized key technologies for the remote contral of the mining and excavation equipments in underground mine.According to the underground mine production features, a new wireless on time video transmission system framework of the mine roadheader was provided and re alized.The system would apply the DaVinci platform and chip TMS320DM6446 for the video collection and compression and could realize the H.264 standard video cod e.With the 802.11 g agreement applied to the wireless transmission method with a visual transmission distance of 50~ 100 m on 2.4 GHz frequency and with a direction al antenna, the anti-interference and reliability of the system transmission channel could be improved.The measured results showed that the system could realize the 0 n time video monitoring and measuring during the operation process and status of the mine roadheader.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    DaVinic technology;H.264;wireless transmission;video monitoring and control;mine roadheader;

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主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会

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