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  • Title

    Research on Synthesis and Performances of New Polyether Dispersant for Coal Water Slurry

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  • 摘要
    以烯丙基聚氧乙烯醚(APEG)和苯乙烯磺酸钠为原料,过硫酸钾(K2S2O8)为引发剂,水为溶剂进行自由基聚合反应合成了一种新型聚醚类水煤浆分散剂。采用红外光谱和热分析方法对此聚合物进行了表征和分析,并考察了合成条件对水煤浆分散效果的影响。试验结果表明:合成分散剂的最佳条件是:引发剂过硫酸钾质量分数为4%,烯丙基聚氧乙烯醚和苯乙烯磺酸钠的配比(物质的量比)为1.5∶1.0,反应温度80℃,反应时间4 h。将该分散剂用于神府煤成浆试验,通过测定不同浓度水煤浆的表观黏度,发现当水煤浆质量分数达70%时,黏度为968.33 mPa.s,说明该分散剂具有较高的分散作用。
  • Abstract
    Based on the allyI polyoxyethylene and styrene sodium sulfonate as the raw material, potassium persulfate (K2S2O8) as the initiator, a new polyether dis persant for coal water slurry was synthetized with the free radical polymerization and water as the solvent.The infrared spectrum and the thermal analysis method were applied to the surface features and analysis on the polymers. The synthesis conditions affected to the dispersed effect to the coal water slurry were investigated.The exp eriment results showed that the optimum conditions of the synthetized dispersant would be that the potassium persulfate content of the initiator was 4%,the mixing rati 0 of the allyl polyoxyethylene and styrene sodium sulfonate was 1.5: 1.0, the reaction temperature was 80。C and the reaction time was 4 h.when the dispersant applie d to the test of the Shenfu coal water slurry, the apparent viscosity measured with different density coal water slurry showed that when the coal water slurry quality fract ion reached at 70%, the apparent viscosity would be 968.33 mPa.s.Thus the dispersant would have a high disperse effect.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    dispersant;allyl polyoxyethylene;styrene sodium sulfonate;potassium persulfate;coal water slury;apparent viscosity;

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