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  • Title

    Study on Evaluation Method of Mine Regional Pressure Bumping Danger Based on Dynamic Weight

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  • 摘要
  • Abstract
    In order to objectively and correctly evaluate the danger degree of the mine pressure bumping and to reduce the subjectivity affected to the evaluation, a ccording to the fuzzy comprehensive judgment theory, based on the dynamic variation idea of the index weight, a new evaluation method of the mine pressure bumping danger was provided.The weight could be resolved to a fixed and invariant attribute weight and a dynamic variant grade weight.The normal subordinate function was ap plied to calculate the index subordinated degree and the transit boundary between the different grade indexes was obtained.The evaluation results with the max subordi nated degree principle were applied to determine the evaluation grade. The evaluation method could realize the index weight increased with the danger degree of the in dex value increased and could avoid the neutralization phenomenon by the danger factors due to the application of the fixed weight.Finally, the above method was eval uated in the trial coal mining face and the results obtained were same to the actual results.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    mine pressure bumping;evaluation index;dynamic weight;subordinated degree;fuzzy mathematics;

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